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A vesicle is a raised hemispherical lesion less than 0.5 cm in diameter,contain clear fluid while a bulla is raised hemispherical

lesion more than 0.5 cm in diameter contain clear fluid.a bulla can

contain pus when it is termed as pustular bulla.

Dr muhammad fayyaz ali,


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1mo ago

A bulla is a fluid-filled blister larger than 5mm in diameter, typically associated with conditions like pemphigus or burns. A vesicle, on the other hand, is a small fluid-filled blister less than 5mm in diameter, commonly seen in conditions like herpes or chickenpox.

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What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle?

A pustule is a raised lesion filled with pus, which is usually a sign of infection or inflammation. A vesicle is a small, fluid-filled blister that can result from various causes such as burns, allergic reactions, or viral infections.

Small membrane-bound sac used for transport?

A vesicle is a small sac made of membrane that transports materials within a cell. Vesicles can move molecules within the cell, between different parts of the cell, or to the cell's surface for secretion.

What is the description of a vesicle?

A vesicle is a small, membrane-bound sac that stores and transports substances within a cell. Vesicles are involved in processes such as transporting proteins and lipids within the cell, as well as in communication between cells.

What is sac formed from pieces of cell membrane called?

A sac formed from pieces of cell membrane is called a vesicle. Vesicles are responsible for transporting molecules within the cell, either between different compartments or in and out of the cell.

What is the difference between prostate gland and seminal vesicle?

The prostate gland is a small gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum that produces fluid that makes up semen. The seminal vesicles are a pair of small glands located behind the bladder that produce fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Both glands play a role in the production of seminal fluid but are located in different parts of the male reproductive system.