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Body cells or Somatic cells are produced by mitosis. These cells are also diploid meaning they have chromosomes from both parents. Gametes on the other hand are produced by meiosis. These cells are haploid, having only half the original chromosomes in the cells. Gametes are also known as sex cells being that they are usually involved in sexual processes in both the Plantae and Animalia kingdoms (or phyla if you're a microbial biologist). Sperm and ovules are forms of gametes. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are the respective haploid processes for these cells.

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13y ago

A body(somatic) cell has 46 chromosomes while a gamete only has 23 since it is a sex cell.

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Q: What is the difference between body cells and gametes?
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What is difference between somatic cells and gametes cells?

Somatic cells are not involved in sexual reproduction. These are most of the cells in your body. Gametes are sex cells (sperm and ovules/eggs).

What is the difference between the genetic material in body cells and gametes?

Gametes only contain one half the total genetic information.

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gametes are sperm and egg cells. they arent in cells.

What do somatic cells include?

Body cells. This distinguishes them from sex cells, gametes.

How are gemetes different from other cells in the body?

The most obvious difference is that gametes are haploid, meaning that they contain only half the full complement of chromosomes in a somatic cell. There are also structural difference between the sperm and the egg and the gametes of different species.

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All cells in the human body that are not gametes (sperm or egg cells) are diploid. Gametes are haploid.

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Which body cells complete MEIOSIS?

The gametes.

Is somatic cells associated with meiosis?

no. somatic cells are all cells of the body that are not gametes. meiosis only involves the production of gametes. not somatic cells

How does the number of chromosome in a persons gametes compare with the numbers of chromosomes in the body cells?

There are half as many chromosomes in gametes than in normal body cells.

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