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The terms "brain tumor" and "brain cancer" are related but not synonymous. Here's the key difference between the two:

Brain Tumor:

A brain tumor is a broad term that refers to an abnormal growth or mass of cells within the brain or the surrounding tissues.

Brain tumors can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Benign brain tumors typically grow slowly and do not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body. They can, however, cause symptoms if they press against surrounding structures.

Malignant brain tumors, on the other hand, are considered brain cancer. They are aggressive, tend to invade nearby healthy brain tissue, and can potentially spread to other parts of the central nervous system. Malignant brain tumors are often referred to as primary brain cancer.

Brain Cancer:

Brain cancer specifically refers to malignant tumors that originate within the brain or central nervous system (CNS). These tumors are composed of cancerous cells that can grow rapidly and invade nearby brain tissue.

Brain cancer is categorized into different types based on the specific cell types and tissues from which they arise. The most common primary brain cancers include gliomas (e.g., glioblastoma multiforme), meningiomas, and medulloblastomas, among others.

Unlike benign brain tumors, brain cancer has the potential to metastasize (spread) within the CNS but rarely metastasizes outside the brain or spinal cord to other parts of the body.

In summary, a brain tumor is a general term for any abnormal growth in the brain, which can be either benign or malignant. Brain cancer, on the other hand, specifically refers to malignant tumors that originate within the brain or CNS. It's important to note that the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for brain tumors and brain cancer can vary widely depending on factors such as tumor type, location, size, and stage. Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches, and it should be determined in consultation with medical professionals.

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9y ago

a cancerous brain tumor is commonly referred to as brain cancer. brain tumors alone may be cancerous or non cancerous.

Cancer spreads throughout the brain where as the brain tumor is localizede

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12y ago

Cancer spreads throughout the brain where as the brain tumor is localized

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Q: What is the difference between brain tumors and brain cancer?
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There are two types of brain tumors: primary brain tumors that originate in the brain and metastatic (secondary) brain tumors that originate from cancer cells that have migrated from other parts of the body. (oncologychannel)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

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There are two types of brain tumors: primary brain tumors that originate in the brain and metastatic (secondary) brain tumors that originate from cancer cells that have migrated from other parts of the body. (oncologychannel)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

Is spine cancer and brain cancer related?

Spine cancer and brain cancer are distinct entities, but they share a connection through the central nervous system (CNS). Both the brain and the spine are integral parts of the CNS, and cancers that originate in these areas are considered primary CNS tumours. Here are key points to understand their relationship: Primary CNS Tumors: Brain Cancer (Brain Tumors): Brain cancer refers to tumours that originate in the brain tissue. These tumours can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Spine Cancer (Spinal Tumors): Spine cancer, or spinal tumors, refers to tumors that develop in the spinal cord or the bones of the spine. Like brain tumors, spinal tumors can be benign or malignant. Connection Through the CNS: The brain and spine are connected through the spinal cord, which is an extension of the brain. The spinal cord runs through the vertebral column (spine) and is surrounded by protective structures like the vertebrae. Tumors can occur in either the brain or the spine independently, but due to their physical connection, the spread (metastasis) of cancer from one site to the other is possible, albeit uncommon. Metastasis: Cancer originating in one part of the CNS can potentially spread to the other. For example, a malignant brain tumor may spread to the spinal cord or vice versa. However, metastasis between the brain and spine is not as common as metastasis to other organs. Different Types of Tumors: Brain tumors are classified based on the type of brain cells involved and are categorized as gliomas, meningiomas, and others. Spinal tumors are classified based on their location (intramedullary, extramedullary, or vertebral) and can include various types, such as ependymomas or schwannomas. Treatment Approaches: Treatment for both brain and spinal tumors may involve surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The specific approach depends on the type, location, and stage of the tumor.

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Most adult brain cancers are not primary tumors, but are the result of primary cancer that has spread from other areas of the body

What are the types of Brain Tumors?

Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancer.Usually, benign tumors are often removed, and that they seldom grow back.Benign brain tumors usually have a clear border or edge. Cells from benign growths rarely invade tissues around them.They don't spread to other parts of the body.Benign tumors can continue sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems.Unlike benign tumors are sometimes life-threatening.Benign brain tumors may become turn into cancer.Malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells:Malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and sometimes are a threat to life.They are likely to grow rapidly or invade nearby healthy brain tissue.Cancer cells may break free from the malignant brain cancer and spread to other parts of the brain or to the medulla spinal.

Brain cancer is also called as brain tumor?

Yes, brain cancer is often referred to as brain tumor, but it's important to understand the distinction between the two terms. A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain or central nervous system. Not all brain tumors are cancerous; some are benign (non-cancerous), while others are malignant (cancerous). Benign brain tumors grow slowly and typically do not invade surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body, although they can still cause symptoms depending on their size and location. Malignant brain tumors, on the other hand, are cancerous and can grow rapidly, invade nearby tissues, and spread to other parts of the brain or spinal cord (metastasize). Brain cancer specifically refers to malignant tumors that originate in the brain or central nervous system. These cancerous growths arise from abnormal cells within the brain tissue and can be primary (originating in the brain) or secondary (metastasizing from cancer elsewhere in the body). Primary brain cancer accounts for the majority of brain tumor cases and includes various types such as gliomas, meningiomas, and medulloblastomas.

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