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If I have 45 liters of helium in a balloon at 250 C and increase the temperature of the balloon to 550 C, what will the new volume of the balloon be?
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Q: What is the diffusion rate of temperature at 5 degrees Celsius?
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How does the rate of diffusion in a gelatin at room temperature compare with the rate of diffusion in water at the same temperature?

The rate of diffusion in gelatin at room temperature is very slow. This is especially compared to the rate of diffusion in water at the same temperature.

What is the rate of unboiled amylase activity at 35 degrees Celsius?

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30 degrees Celsius

Why is it more important in terms of reaction rate to take groceries straight home from the store when it is 25 degrees Celsius than it is when it is 2 degrees Celsius?

The degradation (rot) rate is increased with temperature

How do temperature effect the rate of diffusion?

higher temp = higher rate of diffusion

What is the optimum temperature for production of glucose in plants?

A rise in temperature will increase the rate of photosynthesis, but over 40 degrees will rapidly decrease the rate of photosynthesis. I'm not entirely certain, but I would guess about 15-25 degrees is best.

What influences the rate of diffusion?

The rate of diffusion increases with temperature. The rate of diffusion also increases with the concentration gradient and the surface area.

How does temperature effect diffusion rates?

Temperature and diffusion rates are usually linearly proportional. As temperature increases diffusion rate also increases and vice versa. In most cases, diffusion rate will reach 0 after saturation or the maximum possible temperature.

Does a temperature increase increase the rate of diffusion?

yes the higher the temprature the quicker the rate of diffusion

What is the rate of amylase activity at 25 degrees Celsius?

the rate would be slower because some enzymes are resistant to temperature change (denaturation)

What is the diffence in rate of diffusion hot and cold water?

Diffusion is a process which is affected by changes in temperature in the system where it is taking place. When the temperature is high, the rate of diffusion is high and when the temperature is low, the rate of diffusion is less.Hence, we can say that diffusion is directly proportional to temperature.Therefore, the answer to your question is that diffusion will be high in hot water and in cold water, it will be slow.

Is there a corresponding 6.5 degrees Celsius temperature drop for each kilometer of altitude?

Yes. Temperatures cool at a rate about 6.5 Celsius degrees per kilometer of altitude. This is straight from a 6th grade book.