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The process of "diffusion" of water is called "osmosis". Water moves from an area of high concentration to low concentration. So, for example, if you put a cell in a hypotonic solution (ie where there is a lower concentration of salts etc outside the cell, and thus more water) then the water will flow into the cell to balance out the salt concentrations. In this case the cell will swell (and could even explode). If you put the cell in a hypertonic solution, then the concentration of salts outside the cell is higher than inside and so water flows from the cell out into the environment causing the cell to shrivel. If you put a cell in an isotonic environment (the salt concentration is the same on both sides of the cell membrane) then the flow of water in and out of the cell is equal so the cell does not shrink or swell.

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Q: What is the diffusion that controls the flow of water in and out of a cell?
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What is the diffusion of water through a cell membrane?

Passive molecular diffusion. The Cell can't be compared to a hollowed out potato! Meaning that the osmotic flow of water into the sugar filled potato interior pool is unidirectional; while the Cell may control the flow of water, in or out, depending upon it's needs.

How does diffusion help the cell get nutrition?

It lets the cell nutrition flow into the cell.

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The endodermis controls the flow of water and ions into root vascular tissues by operating according the rules of osmosis and diffusion, common in biology.

What controls the materials flow in and out of the cell?

the cell membrane

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How does diffusion help cells survive?

Diffusion helps the cell get nutrition by letting nutrition or food flow into the cell.

What transport mechanisms involves the movement of water in a cell?

The membrane of a cell is semipermeable. Water and small molecules flow freely into and out of the cell. There is no transport mechanism. The fluidity of the membrane designated by the fluid mosaic model, allows for water to flow freely into and out of the cell.

What structure controls the flow of water into and out of the cell?

The stomata in the leaf of the plant opens and closes depending on whether water is needed to exit or if there is not enough water in the leaf

Holds cell material inside and controls flow of material in and out?

The cell membrane.

When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution will the flow of water be in or out of the cell?

The water will flow out of the cell.

What is the major difference between between facilitated diffusion and active transport?

Facilitated diffusion occurs in order to maintain homeostasis within a cell. If there is more of something, such as water, inside a cell than outside the cell, diffusion allows the water to flow out of the cell so that an equal amount of water molecules exists both inside and outside the membrane. This requires little or no energy from the cell itself. Active transport is when the cell takes in or excretes material through the membrane so that the amount of material inside and outside the membrane is different. This requires energy from the cell to occur.

How do diffusion and osmosis differ from one another?

Diffusion and osmosis differ because diffusion is the process by which molecules spread out, or move from areas with high concentration to low concentration, and osmosis is the diffusion of water. Osmosis is a type of diffusion relating to water. It is usually used to describe the diffusion of water across a membrane (such as the cell membrane). Osmosis is also defined as the flow of solvent from a region of higher pressure toward a region of low pressure.