

What is the firmness of muscles called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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muscle tone

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Q: What is the firmness of muscles called?
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What is the state of slight contraction present in healthy muscles?

The continuous partial contraction of muscle is called muscle tone

What are deep muscles called?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.

What muscles are used in catching a ball?

the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs.

What are deep muscles?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.

What is the Muscles that we can control with conscious though are called?

The muscles that require conscious control are called voluntary muscles, or skeletal muscles.

What are your face muscles called?

The muscles in the face are called facial muscles. They are responsible for controlling facial expressions, helping with speech and eating, and also play a role in communicating emotions. Some examples of facial muscles include the frontalis, orbicularis oculi, and zygomaticus.

Muscles that work in pairs are called what?

they are called antagonistic muscles.

Muscles that move bones are called?

Muscles that move bones are called Smooth muscle cells or Skeletal muscles

What muscles are the muscles that move bones?

These muscles are called "skeletal muscles".

What are cheek muscles called?

your facial muscles!

Why are muscles called fibers?

muscles are called fibres cuz they have alot of fibre in them

What are the muscles that move your body called?

skeletal muscles