

What is the importance of reflex arc?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Reflex actions are essential for the body. Her are some common examples and what they're used for;

* Shivering: when you're cold, the body will contract its skeletal muscles rapidly. This allows heat to be made, and his heat warms the body temporarily. * Gagging: If something goes dangerously close to the back of the throat, the gag reflex will make the person sick. The vomit should then move the foreign object away from the back of the throat. * Moving away rapidly: If we touch something dangerously hot, e.g. a hot metal pan, the body moves the hand away from the pan as fast as possible in order to avoid any further injury. There are loads of others, but I hope this answers your question.

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15y ago

As reflexes are innate, we don't have to make a conscious decision when we perform a reflex. This saves precious seconds, because the signals bypass the brain, and is an evolutionary adaptation to protect ourselves from long-term harm. Example: when you touch a boiling plate, you withdraw your hand in a split-second, to prevent you from being burned Example (2): if someone puches you in the face, instinctlively you blink to stop yourself from becoming blinded.

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11y ago

Reflex actions are instantaneous, which is beneficial because we don't have to think about it. This means we can protect delicate body tissues. If you were punched say, you will blink automatically, to protect your eye. If you touch a boiling kettle, you withdraw your hand quickly to prevent burning yourself. Evolutionarily, they have developed to play a vital role in our survival.

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