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ATPase Is an enzyme that works in and around the membrane to break down ATP (Energy Made By The Mitochondria) into ADP

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The membrane ATPase is a type of enzyme that uses energy from ATP to transport ions across a cell membrane. This transport process is essential for maintaining proper ion gradients, which are crucial for various cellular functions such as muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and nutrient uptake.

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Q: What is the membrane ATPase and what does it do?
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What is the NaK ATPase?

The NaK ATPase, also known as the sodium-potassium pump, is a membrane protein that helps maintain the resting membrane potential of cells by actively transporting sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell against their concentration gradients. This process requires the hydrolysis of ATP to provide energy for the pump to function.

What the Effect of ouabain drug on a neuron ability to generate action potential?

Ouabain blocks the Na+/K+ ATPase pump, preventing it from properly maintaining the Na+ and K+ gradients across the cell membrane. This disrupts the resting membrane potential and impairs the neuron's ability to generate action potentials.

What enzyme breaks down ATP?

The enzyme that breaks down ATP is called ATPase. It hydrolyzes ATP into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate, releasing energy in the process that can be used for cellular functions.

What substances are used as pumps and channels in the cell membrane?

Proteins are the primary substances used as pumps and channels in the cell membrane. For example, ion pumps like sodium-potassium ATPase and ion channels like voltage-gated channels facilitate the movement of ions across the cell membrane. These proteins play crucial roles in maintaining cell function and homeostasis.

Meaning of f1 particle in mitochondria?

F1 particles are present in the inner mitochondrial space of the mitochondrion. It is attached on the infoldings called the cristae. F1 particles are also known as oxysomes or elementary particles or F1-F0 particles. They are responsible in ATP synthesis and oxidation.

Related questions

Where will ATPase be found in the mitochondrion?

ATPase is typically found in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This enzyme is involved in producing ATP by catalyzing the conversion of ADP to ATP during oxidative phosphorylation.

What does aldosterone increase in the basolateral membrane?

Basolateral Na+ K+ ATPase pumps

What is the purpose of the ATPase proton pump?

The purpose of the ATPase proton pump is to actively transport protons across a membrane, generating a proton gradient. This gradient can then be used to drive other cellular processes such as ATP synthesis or the transport of molecules across the membrane.

A transporter protien that carries a substance across a cellular membrane against its concentration gradient?

Sodium potassium ATPase pump.

What is a membrane protein?

A trans-membrane protein is - as the name implies (trans = across in latin) - a protein, which crosses a biological membrane, such as the outer cell membrane or the mitochondrial membrane. Three examples of important trans-membrane proteins are: the Na/K-ATPase, P-glycoprotein, and the insulin receptor.

What is protein membrane?

A trans-membrane protein is - as the name implies (trans = across in latin) - a protein, which crosses a biological membrane, such as the outer cell membrane or the mitochondrial membrane. Three examples of important trans-membrane proteins are: the Na/K-ATPase, P-glycoprotein, and the insulin receptor.

What are some examples of membrane proteins?

Some examples of membrane proteins are transporters, receptors, channels, and enzymes. These proteins are embedded within the lipid bilayer of cell membranes and play crucial roles in cell communication, signaling, and maintaining cell structure and function.

What is the membrane protein's function?

Membrane proteins have many different functions; many are involved in transport across the cell membrane, such as channels, carriers and pumps (e.g .the Na/K-ATPase and P-glycoprotein), others are hormone receptors (e.g. EGFR and the insulin receptor) or confer structure to the cell membrane.

What is the NaK ATPase?

The NaK ATPase, also known as the sodium-potassium pump, is a membrane protein that helps maintain the resting membrane potential of cells by actively transporting sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell against their concentration gradients. This process requires the hydrolysis of ATP to provide energy for the pump to function.

Name one ATPase inhibitor?

DDT is a F0/FA atpase inhibitor

Where is ATPase enzyme needed for muscle contraction located?

It is in the mitochodria and speeds up the formation of ATP by breaking down ATP into ADP + energy. Muscle cells have many more mitochrondia than other cells.

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce?

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce the electron transport system that generates a proton gradient. Also site of the ATPase complex which uses the proton gradient to produce ATP.