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Q: What is the name of a bushy leguminous plant cultivated for its edible seeds in the Mediterranean Central Africa and Asia?
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What country does Mahogany wood come from?

mahogany comes from west, central and east africa what type of tree?

How many jungles are in the world?

there are four main areas where there is rainforest on the earth; Central America, South America, Central Africa and South-East Asia.

Where do most scientists believe the first humans lived?

It is generally believed that the earliest Homo Sapiens came out of Africa, with fossils showing their existence in the "Kibish Formation" in Ethiopia about 200,000 years ago.The Genographic Project, (Geno- not Geo) is part of the National Geographic and has been doing extensive research on genetic lines of descent for years. Based in part on their huge compilation of data from people all over the world, it does seem likely that all humans have their origins in central Africa. You can take part in this project by ordering a kit and submitting a sample of your DNA. They will tell you some very interesting things about the probable migration path that your ancestors took on the epic journey that led to you. See link. I have no connection of any kind with the National Geographic or with the Genographic Project, except that I bought and submitted a kit.

Where is the Chaparral located?

. It is located on the western coasts of North and South America, areas around the Mediterranean Sea, South Africa, and Australia. In California, the biome can be found in San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Santa Clara, and more. The chaparral biome is created when cooler seawater meets a landmass with high average temperatures. It is found in specific areas between places with a hot, dry climate and high atmospheric pressure, and those with cool, wet climates and low atmospheric climates.

Is there a such thing as a rubber tree?

your butt looks like two cheacks and a crack