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interstitial fluid

Dr. Claire

DNA Diva

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interstitial fluid or lymph

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Q: What is the name of the extracellular fluid in most tissues?
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Fluid found OUtSiDE of a cell is called?


Cells in the body have a fluid surrounding them What is the name of this fluid?

Interstitial fluid also called extracellular fluid.

What is the name of the tissue fluid?

This fluid is called the Interstitial fluid.

What is it called collection of fluid in tissues?

Edema is fluid accumulation in tissues which is common in patients with renal disorders & congestive heart failure. Is is an accumulation of fluid between cells in the tissue.

What condition result from an excess amount of tissue fluid?

The term used for excess fluid in tissues is edema. The more complete name is lymphedema and is usually the result of the lymphatic system not being able to move lymphatic fluid from tissues back into the blood stream, which results in the 'bloating' associated with it.

What is the name of the fluid that fills most cells?


What is another name for cell eating?

The word that means the same thing as cell eating is phagocytosis. The outcome is the ingestion of particulate matter, such as bacteria, from the extracellular fluid.

What is the name of the pressure that forces fluids from capillaries into extracellular spaces?

Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure

In plants what name is given to a region where mitosis occurs most frequently?

It occurs in meristematic tissues.

What local hormones produced by most body tissues are called?

Prostaglandins - their name comes from the fact that they were first discovered in male prostate glands.

What is the name of tissues working together?

Tissues that function together are called organs.

What is the name of disease that soften the tissues?

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