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limbic sysem.

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Q: What is the neural system at the border of the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres known as?
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A donut-shaped cluster of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres is known as the?

lymbic system

What is the donut shaped cluster of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and cerebral hemisphres?

The Limbic System.

What is the embryonic origin of the cerebral hemispheres?

The embryonic origin of the cerebral hemispheres is from the neural ectoderm. The neural ectoderm is an area of tissue that forms in the center of the developing blastocyst.

What surface is the neural cortex found?

The cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres

What is corpus callosum?

The cortex is divided into two sections called the cerebral hemispheres, which are connected by a thick, tough band of neural fibers called the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum allows the left and right hemispheres to communicate with each other.

Where does neural integration occurs?

the cerebral cortex

Is the neural cortex and cerebral cortex the same thing?

Yes they are :)

On the way to the temporal lobe's auditory cortex neural impulses from the auditory nerve are first relayed to the?

Auditory nerves are first relayed to the thalamus on the way to the temporal lobes auditory cortex. The thalamus is the gray matter between the cerebral hemispheres.

What is neurocoel?

Cavity of the neural tube, it is the origin of the ventricles of the brain. Expansion within cerebral hemispheres (lateral ventricles 1-2), diencephalon (third ventricle), and medulla oblongata (fourth ventricle) forms chambers (ventricles) which are lined with ependymal cells.

What is the name given to the neural tissue which connects the left and right brain hemispheres?

corpus callosum

What bis a bump in the cerebral cortex called?

a gyrus is a fold of neural tissue, a sulcus is a groove

What center in the brain regulates the rate of the sinoatrial node?

The SA node (also called the "pacemaker") has an intrinsic rate which modified on a moment-to-moment basis by a variety of factors - neural, hormonal, and mechanical. The part of the brain which does sends the neural input is the brainstem via the Vagus nerve.