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Crossing over or homologous recombination

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Q: What is the process whereby genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes during synopsis of the first meiotic division?
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What is the process whereby genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes during synapsis of the first meiotic division?

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What will happen to the cell as it undergoes prophase 1?

In prophase I the homologous chromosomes pair and form tetrads, during which crossing over occurs and genetic material is exchanged between the homologous chromosomes. Refer to the related link for an animated illustration.

What trem describes the exchange of genetic material between members of a homologous pair of chromosomes?

Crossing over during meiosis results in to exchange of genetic material between members of a homologous pair of chromosomes.

What happens to each pair of duplicated homologous chromosomes during meiosis 1?

pairing of homologous chromosomes and recombination of genetic material takes place

What stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes come together?

During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes come together during prophase I. Pairs of homologous chromosomes align during a process called synapsis and form a tetrad (four sister chromatids, two from each pair of homologous chromosomes). During synapsis, crossing over may occur, during which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material.

What do homologous chromosomes do in prophase 1?

Homologous chromosomes do not pair during mitosis. they only pair in meiosis to form tetrads.

What is the difference between crossing over and chiasma?

Synapsis is the process in which the genetic material is exchanged between two homologous non sister chromatids (the pair of chromosomes which are same in shape,size but not identical) whereas chaisma is the actual site where synapsis occur.

What exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes?

When chromosomes cross over. (Chromal Crossover, I believe)

How is mitosis different from mitosis?

During meiosis there is pairing between homologous chromosomes for exchange of chromatin material by crossing over and these chromosomes get separated in first stage of meiotic division, thus half of the chromosomes separate at each pole; the second stage of meiosis is more or less similar to mitotic division. At the end of meiosis 4 daughter nuclei are formed whereas in mitosis only 2 daughter nuclei are formed without reduction in the number of chromosomes.

What is the genetic material contained in each of the 46 chromosomes of a human cell just before division?

Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes. Just before division, these chromosomes contain two identical copies of all of the cell's genetic material.

When does a cell grow and mak a copy of it chromosomes?

During _______, a cell grows, makes a copy of its chromosomes, or ___________ material, and prepares for cell division.

Meiosis is a process of cell reduction Explain this statement?

the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell.