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Untreated cerebral angiitis will inevitably progress to death, often within a year of the onset of the disease. Current research suggests that slightly more than half of all treated patients have a good outcome.

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Q: What is the prognosis for cerebral angiitis?
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What is cerebral angiitis?

Cerebral angiitis is an inflammation of the small arteries in the brain.

How can cerebral angiitis be diagnosed?

Cerebral angiitis may be diagnosed by examining a sample of cerebrospinal fluid, which will likely reveal increased levels of protein and abnormal white cell activity.

What is angiitis?

Angiitis is a condition where blood or lymph vessels are inflamed.

What are the demographics of cerebral angitis?

It is most common in the middle aged. Cerebral angiitis affects slightly more males than females. It may also be responsible for the unusual presentation of vasculitis in children, often following a simple chicken pox infection.

What affects the prognosis for those with agenesis of the corpus callosum?

The prognosis for ACC varies according to the presence and severity of associated problems such as microcephaly (small head), seizures, cerebral palsy, and cerebral dysgenesis.

What is the cause of cerebrovascular accident?

Cerebral angiitis may occur spontaneously, with no known cause, or in conjunction with, or as a sequela to (an aftereffect of) a variety of viral infections, including herpes zoster (shingle), varicella zoster (chicken pox), and HIV/AIDS.

What is CVA with the poorest prognosis?

A CVA or Cerebral Vascular Accident which is often referred to as a stroke occurs when there is a blockage of blood supply to the brain. The blockage encourages the deterioration of brain tissues. The most severe form of CVA with the poorest prognosis is a Intracerebral hemorrage. This is often related with individuals who suffer with high blood pressure.

What is the prediction of a disease's outcome?

Prognosis Pro = prior or before Gnosis = knowledge

How many categories of cerebral hypoxia are there?

There are four categories of cerebral hypoxia; in order of severity they are: diffuse cerebral hypoxia (DCH), focal cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction, and global cerebral ischemia.

What is the prognosis for abulia?

The prognosis of abulia depends on the prognosis of the underlying condition.

What it the life expectancy for someone with holoprosencephaly?

The prognosis for an infant born with holoprosencephaly depends on the severity of the cerebral and other defects. The prognosis for an infant with severe holoprosencephaly is poor; most do not survive past six months, and those that do are likely to suffer profound mental-retardation. At the mild end of the spectrum, where brain development may be nearly normal, a normal life-spanis likely.

Where can articles be found on cerebral palsy?

Articles on cerebral palsy can be found at the website of an organization that is devoted to researching cerebral palsy. Some such organizations are United Cerebral Palsy and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance.