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The strong or expressive trait is known as Dominanttrait, and the weak or unexpressive trait is known as Recessive trait

but even that is up for debate as some contend it is the dominant or recessive allele on the gene that is expressed (the phenotype).

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Chromosomes play a role in determining the traits that you get.

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Dominant allele

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Q: What is the strongest gene for a trait?
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What is a gene trait?

A single-gene trait is a phenotypic trait controlled by two homologous alleles.

WHAT is single gene trait?

A single-gene trait is a phenotypic trait controlled by two homologous alleles.

What is the name given to the weaker trait that can be covered up by the dominant trai?

The recessive gene - less stronger than the dominant one.

What is strand of DNA that codes for a specific trait?

A gene is a strand of DNA that codes for a specific trait

What is an XO genotype?

it means it has one gene from the dominant trait and one gene from the recessive trait

Can a single gene control a single trait.?

It was once believed that one gene controls one trait, so it is possible. Currently, the belief is that one gene can interact with other genes to control a trait, and that one gene can control more than one trait.

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What gene that is always expressed and will produce a trait?

The gene that is always expressed and will produces a trait is a genetic statistic. This statistic is what is created when the gene is dominant.

What is a trait that is expressed even if only one gene for that form of the trait is inherited?

It is a dominant trait. You only need one gene of a dominant trait for that trait to be expressed. You need two copies of the recessive trait in order for the trait to be expressed.

What Does a particular trait result from the expression of a single gene?

Huntington's disease is a perfect example of a single gene trait. A mutation in this allele causes Huntington's disease in later life. A dominant trait. Widows peak us another. Any gene that controls the total expression of a trait is an allele defined as a single gene trait.

What is gene characteristic?


What has a gene for a certain trait but does not express that trait itself?
