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amniotic thickening

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Q: What is the thickened mass of cells on the blastocyst from which the baby will develop is called the?
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When the embryo reaches the uterus, it is a hollow ball of about 100 cells called a?

When an embryo (fertilized egg) reaches the uterus, it is a hollow ball of about 100 cells called a blastocyst.

What is the collection of fertilized cells that is implanted in the uterus called?

A blastocyst.

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What is the structure called when its a ball like structure of about 100 cells?


How do scientists extract human embryonic stem cells?

A micropipette, a device like a small needle, is inserted into the embryo, also called a blastocyst.

Is a group of cells called an organ?

Depending on type of cells and context a group of cells could be called: an organ, a tumor, a colony, a blastocyst, a zygote, etc.

About four or five days after fertilization a group of cells forms a ball-like structure. What is the name of this structure?


What kind of the stem cells can develop into any kind of cells in the human body?

Cells up to 8 cell stage in human embryo can develop in any kind of cell in body. Inner cell mass in blastocyst can develop into any kind of cell in human body.

Is a group of cells an organ?

Depending on type of cells and context a group of cells could be called: an organ, a tumor, a colony, a blastocyst, a zygote, etc.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization called?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

The hollow , fluid-filled ball of cells that develops from the morula is the?

the morula develops into a hollow, fluid-filled ball of cells called a blastocyst.

How long does it take for a blastocyst to form?

About 100 cells make up a blastocyst.