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Pituitary and adrenal adenomas are usually removed surgically. Malignant adrenal tumors always require surgical removal.

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Q: What is the treatment for Cushing's syndrome?
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What will happen if you have cushing disease and dont get treatment for it?

Cushings can be deadly if not treated. GO GET TREATED!

What is liddle test in cushings syndrome?

A test that administers dexamethasone to differentiate between normal and cushings Normals will be suppressed then return to normal with a low dose of dexamethasone. Affected will be suppressed with a high dose of dexamethasone

What is cushion's disease in Animals?

Cushings syndrome or Cushings disease is generally caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland and results metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, long hair coat, laminitis etc depending on the animal.

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No, there is no treatment for Treacher Collins Syndrome.

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There is no standard mainstream treatment recommended for couvade syndrome because it is not usually mentioned in medical textbooks.

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What are the preventions for Chushings disease in horses?

There is no prevention for Cushings disease (Hyperadrenocorticism - over production of steroid by the body) but there are several types of treatment /management

What is the medical term meaning surgical treatment of compartment syndrome?

Fasciotomy is the medical term meaning surgical treatment of compartment syndrome.

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What is the treatment for cri du chat syndrome?

of 2004 there is no cure for cri du chat syndrome. Treatment consists of supportive care and developmental therapy.

What treatment do stockholm syndrome sufferers get?

One can consult a doctor. But the best treatment for Stockholm syndrome is intense therapy as well as the love and support from the prisoner's family.