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Cells are usually diploid and contain two of each chromosome. A normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes, however this number is dependent on the type of organism. For example, dogs have 78 chromosomes and cats have 38 chromosomes.

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Q: What is the usual number of chromosomes within a cell?
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Cells that contain half the usual number of chromosomes are?

A sperm cell and an egg cell. They combine to make a baby with full chromosomes.

What is the process of cell division that results in the formation of cells with half the usual number of chromosomes?

The process of meiosis.

How many chromosome are in a egg?

Eggs and sperms are gametes. They are haploid. Haploid means that they have half the regular number of chromosomes. This works really well because an egg and a sperm join together to begin a new organism which will then have the entire diploid number of chromosomes. A human body cell would have 46 chromosomes. Since a human egg cell is a reproductive cell (sex cell), it would contain only half the number of chromosomes as a body cell. Thus, a human egg cell would have 23 chromosomes. A sex cell has half the number of chromosomes for a good reason. When two sex cells reproduce, they combine to form double the number of chromosomes. So when two cells with 23 chromosomes each reproduce, the offspring would have 46 chromosomes. To keep humans at 46 chromosomes per cell, sex cells are produced through meiosis, which is a process that creates cells with half the number of chromosomes.

How many cells are in a karotype?

A karyotype is the number and type of chromosomes within the nucleus of a cell of a species. Given that definition, the karyotype is within the cell. There can be no cells within the karyotype.

What is the chromosome number of the parent cell in mitosis?


Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having what?

the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell

Are chromosomes sexual reproductive cells?

Chromosomes aren't cells at all. Chromosomes are found within a cell's nucleus and are tightly packaged pieces of DNA. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes within each cell of the human body.

The number of chromosomes in a sex cell of an organism is what kind of chromosome?

A sex cell is haploid, having one set of chromosomes, which is half of the number of chromosomes as in a body cell.

How many chromosomes does the daughter cell get from the parent cell?

In mitotic cell division, the daughter cells contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In meiotic cell division, the daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

How are the usual number of chromosomes restored during fertilization?

When the haploid sperm fertilizes the haploid egg, their chromosomes combine to form a new diploid nucleus in the first cell of the new offspring, which is called a zygote.

Where are chromosomes found in cells?

Chromosomes are found within the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and within the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells.

During normal mitotic cell division a parent cell having four chromosomes will produce two daughter cells containing how many chromosomes?

There will be 23 chromosomes in each daughter cell. This is half the usual amount. This is referred to as hapliod. Since meiosis only occurs to produce eggs and sperm it makes sense that each egg and sperm should contain only half the "usual" amount. Therefore you literally get half your genes from your mother (egg) and half your genes from your father (sperm). Once fused as a zygote (the cell from which the baby will be formed) now has the correct or "usual" number of chromosomes - 46 or 23 pairs.