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Love and love only..:(

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Q: What is the worst pain someone can feel?
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Can you be in pain if you have half of someones heart and they have your half of there heart can you feel what ever they feel and can they feel what you feel too?

The heart does not necessarily feel pain but someone with a low heart supply could feel pain. I dont know

What does pain feel like?

That is the most confusing question on this web site... What does pain really feel like. Some people will edit this question and say that pain hurts. Well it does but Real Pain must be the worst thing in the world. It must be a mystery to know what real pain feels like. I cant help you on this one. Sorry

If someone is frightened do they automatically hit someone?

Not all the time. If someone is frightened they are most likely to stand still. If they feel pain while they are frightned they will hit the person who sent the pain.

How long is someone in pain while burning alive?

1O sec they wont feel the pain after that because they will instantly die .

What is the worst pain?

The worst pain a human being can endure is having your femur bone cracked in half.

Can you feel someone's pain without seeing it?

No, you cannot feel the exact pain of someone else unless you have experienced it yourself, but you can be there for them when they want to talk or a shoulder to cry on. Example: A friend loses a parent to death either by accidental or natural death. If you have never lost anyone you love to death then you cannot possibly feel the heartbreaking pain they are going through, but you can feel very sad because your friend or family member is sad and be there for them and do what you can do to ease their pain.

What are the worst things to do while on your period?

well, the worst thing is changing the pad. But! the worst thing to to is go swimming without a tampon in its very embarrassing if someone sees you with a pad in swimming! pads are adsorbent but not that adsorbent! Take my advice as a lifesaving device!

How To ignore pain?

Depending on the intensity of pain it can be hard to ignore, but becoming very interested and involved with something can make you forget about some pain. I visit with friends, do one of my outdoor hobbies (even in Houston heat) or get involved with an answer here.

What does como estas del dolor mean?

is asking how do you feel "of your pain"...... lets see... like when you had an accident and you got your back injured and your back hurts for days afterwards... then someone ask "how do you feel?" this question is being specific in spanish, its asking about your pain (dolor-pain) hope someone can improve this answer, I tried lol

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Yes , they feel pain

What is the worst chlamydia can do?

The worst outcomes of chlamydia are infertility and chronic pelvic pain.

What happens when you feel the pain of losing someone far away when you fall in love?

either move on, or go after them