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Q: What is tiny structure that contains bacterial DNA encased by a tough outer covering?
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What are the only reptiles with their bodies encased within a bony covering?

turtles and tortoises, which are land turtles.

What is the large part of the animal cell that contains chromosomes?

The nucleus. It is encased by the nuclear envelope and contains DNA.

Is there aluminum wire encased in plastic?

Yes, there are aluminium conductors that use a PVC covering for insulation of the conductor.

What is the difference between bacterial cell and bacterial chromosomes?

besides the fact that most DNA is encased in a protective membrane, probably the most significant difference is that prokaryote DNA does not have introns and exons nor is it in a diploid state. besides the fact that most DNA is encased in a protective membrane, probably the most significant difference is that prokaryote DNA does not have introns and exons nor is it in a diploid state.

Name The structure found in a phagosome which is used to digest material?

lysosomes connect to the encased solid and break it down

How would you design a protective structure for a vital organ?

Encased in titanium, and have it surrounded by trained war pigs.

Which structure encircles the prostate gland?

The prostate is encased in a layer called the capsule (which is tough muscle-like material) and this is part of the prostate, so it is not a separate structure.

What are chitin encased bodies?

This is most often used to describe the structure present in crustaceans. Their bodies are encased in a chitin exoskeleton. Chitin, the structural polysaccharide based on the monomer N-acetylglucosamine, is both flexible and strong, and is perfect to serve as the basis of their exoskeletons.

Is a pie an encased cake?

no. a pie is encased fruit and butter.

Why did your hot dog sausage hiss at you?

The sausage is encased in a covering or "skin", when cooked, steam pressure can build up withing this skin and it could be that this escaped when you moved the sausage, creating a hissing sound.

Why are Many of the vital organs surrounded or encased in bone?

encased for protection

Why doesn't bacteria have their DNA encased in a nuclear envelope?

They are prokaryotes so did not evolve in the same way as eukaryotes. Bacteria are "simpler" organisms but have a highly complicated structure of their own