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Type O negative blood has antibodies against both A and B type blood. This means that you can give blood to any type of blood (A, B, O) but can only receive your exact blood type. Type O negative is one of the most rare types, and is known as the "universal donor".

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no antigen at all; it has alpha and beta antibodies

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Q: What kind of antibodies are found in 0 negative blood?
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What blood cell are antibodies produced by?

Antibodies are produced by a kind of white blood cell called a plasma cell.

What kind of antibodies does a person with type A blood have?


What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

What kind of serious problems can happen if the Rh-negative pregnant mothers blood cells start to attack the Rh-positive babies blood cells?

If the antibodies in Rh negative pregnant mothers attack the blood cells of an Rh positive baby, the baby may be damaged by a low blood cell count. This hemolytic anemia can be prevented by the use of Rhogam in each pregnancy in an Rh negative mother.

What kind of serious problems can happen if the Rh-negative mothers blood cells start to attack the Rh-positive babies blood cells?

If the antibodies in Rh negative pregnant mothers attack the blood cells of an Rh positive baby, the baby may be damaged by a low blood cell count. This hemolytic anemia can be prevented by the use of Rhogam in each pregnancy in an Rh negative mother.

What kind of antibodies does type A and B produces?

Individuals with type A blood produce anti-B antibodies and individuals with type B produce anti A. There are many sub groups of blood antibodies such as D (Rh) but we usually only refer to the ABO systems.

What kind of Anitbodies does a person with Type A blood have?

For ABO antibodies, group A has anti-B.

Why blood type O can donate it blood to other BLOOD TYPE?

Because blood type O doesn't have any kind of Antibodies so it can be given to all types of blood.

Which kind of WBC is involved in the production of antibodies?

Which kind of WBC is involved in the production of antibodies?

What kind of blood can a person with B plus and B- blood receive?

o negative

Which kind of specialized white blood cells produces antibodies coded to destroy specific antigens?

`Plasma cells

Which cells make antibodies?

B lymphocytes are the white blood cells that produce plasma cells that produce antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins that recognize foreign materials and help the body destroy or neutralize them. The type of white blood cell that secretes antibodies to kill microorganisms is called lymphocytes. The other kind of white blood cell is called the phagocyte, which kills pathogens by engulfing them (basically, "eating" the microbe).