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The mRNA molecule encodes the protein product in the cell for translation. It is a double stranded, base-paired, ribonucleic acid that typically encodes a single gene, or protein, product.

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mRNA has a single strand of nucleotides..((:

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Q: What kind of strand is the mRNA molecule?
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How many strands does mRNA have?

a MRNA strand is a strand made up of messenger ribosenucleicacids

How is dna made into mRNA?

DNA is not made into mRNA, it is transcribed by mRNA. The DNA molecule is split into two strands by the enzyme helicase. One strand is the sense strand and the other is the anti-sense strand. Then mRNA nucleotides pair with their complimentary DNA bases on the antisense strand. The enzyme RNA polymerase causes the mRNA nucleotides to bond with one another, forming a strand of mRNA.

What is the shape of mRNA?

mRNA is most commonly linear but can form a duplex double strand just like DNA.

What attaches to the mRNA strand as translation begins?

After the two ribosomal subunits attach to a strand of mRNA, a tRNA molecule with the amino acid methionine attaches to the start codon, AUG.

What strand of DNA is use to make a complementary copy or to make a complementary mRNA molecule?

The template strand is used to make a complementary copy. This is a type of DNA strand.

How many strands of DNA are used for transcription?

No, just one strand, the coding strand is used to create a mRNA molecule in the process of transcription.

How is DNA copied and made into a mRNA?

There is no such process. DNA cannot come from RNA unless it contains reverse transcriptase. However, there is a process that makes mRNA from a DNA strand. This process is called transcription.

Suppose mRNA was changed would the same tRNA molecule still attach to the strand?

no. because if mRNA was changed,trna will mixed and change letters.

How many strands of mRNA are made during the process of transcription?

A single mRNA strand is typically produced but a single strand can make many many copies of the protein encoded on the molecule.

What molecule copies the DNA coding strand and leaves the nucleus?

mRNA copies the information.Process is called transcription.

What is the step of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleus?

The step of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleus is transcription. Transcription is the process of copying the genetic code from DNA into RNA. The RNA molecule that is produced during transcription is called messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA then travels to the cytoplasm, where it is translated into a protein. In transcription, the DNA double helix opens up at a specific location called the promoter. A protein called RNA polymerase binds to the promoter and begins to move along the DNA strand, unzipping the helix as it goes. RNA polymerase then uses the exposed DNA strand as a template to synthesize a complementary RNA strand. This RNA strand is the mRNA molecule. Once the mRNA molecule is complete, it separates from the DNA and travels to the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the mRNA molecule binds to a ribosome. The ribosome then reads the mRNA molecule and uses the information to assemble a protein molecule. The protein molecule is then released from the ribosome and can go on to perform its function in the cell. Here are the steps of transcription in detail: Initiation: RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of DNA. Elongation: RNA polymerase moves along the DNA strand, unzipping the helix and synthesizing a complementary RNA strand. Termination: RNA polymerase reaches a termination sequence in the DNA and stops synthesizing RNA. The mRNA molecule that is produced during transcription is a single-stranded molecule that contains the same information as the original DNA strand. However, the mRNA molecule is modified in a few ways. First, the 5' end of the mRNA molecule is capped with a group of nucleotides called a 5' cap. The 5' cap helps to protect the mRNA molecule from degradation and helps it to bind to the ribosome. Second, the 3' end of the mRNA molecule is polyadenylated, which means that it is added to a long chain of adenine nucleotides. The polyadenylation tail helps to stabilize the mRNA molecule and helps it to be transported to the cytoplasm. Transcription is a complex process that is essential for protein synthesis. It is the first step in the process of converting genetic information into a functional protein molecule.

What strand of DNA is used to make a complementary copy or to make a complementary mRNA molecule-?

The strand is called the parental strand. the gene being copied would depend on which protein is needed.