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Q: What kind of tissue is involuntarily controlled and has branching striated cells?
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Which type of muscle tissue is responsible for voluntary movement?

Skeletal Muscle tissue is the only tissue that responds to voluntary movement. Smooth and Cardiac muscle tissue are controlled by the central nervous system.

What is the striated muscle connected to the bones?

Skeletal muscle tissue is striated muscle tissue connected to bones.

Is cardiac muscle smooth or straited?

The tissue which makes up cardiac muscle has striations present. The heart, which is made up of special cardiac muscle is composed of lots of branching cells that join into a continuous mass by intercalated discs. Cardiac muscle is also known as striated involuntary muscle. This cardiac muscle tissue forms the bulk of the heart walls of each chamber. The striations in cardiac muscle are irregular, but they are present. Striated muscle is also found in skeltal muscle tissue, skeletal muscle tissue unlike cardiac muscle tissue has a regular striated structure which you can easily see through histolgy.

Which two muscle types are controlled involuntarily?

Visceral muscles, which are under involuntary control, come in two forms. They are the smooth muscle tissue and cardiac muscle tissue, found only in the heart.

What type of muscle is striated?

Striated muscle tissue is muscle tissue that has repeating tubular muscle cells. Striated muscles include skeletal striated muscle, embryotic branchiomeric muscle, and cardiac muscle.

What tissue is striated and involuntary?


What is voluntary muscle tissue?


Where can you find cardiac striated tissue?


What type of muscle tissue are not striated?

Cardiac and skeletal

Which generalization concerning movement by skeletal muscles is not true?

During contraction the two articulating bones move equally

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Is cardiac muscle striated?

Cardiac Muscle is smooth but looks striated