

Best Answer

1. anterior tibiotalar

2. posterior tibiotalar

3. tibiocalcaneal

4. tibionavicular

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Q: What ligaments make up the deltoid ligament?
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What types of tissues make up the skeletal system?

the tissues in the skeletal system are *bones *cartilage *ligaments

What are the fibrous bands that attach bone to bone called?

The ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect bones to each other. Ligaments are made up of connective tissue and are similar to tendons. The connective tissue that makes them up is tough, flexible and fibrous. They are made up of collagen fibres. Weight for weight they are as strong as steel wires. Tendons are also strong elastic bands of tissue, but they connect bones to muscle within a joint.

What is a ligament made up of?

Hi there, The elastic connective tissue is on most of your ligaments in your body. Hope this helped. Alex

Why are ligament and tendons made up of dense connective tissue?

Ligaments connect bones to other bones, and tendons connect muscles to bones; since connection is their function, it is logical that they should be made of connective tissue, don't you think?

What is ligment?

A ligament is a band of tissue that connects bones and hold various organs in place. Ligaments are found all over the human body. There are three types of ligaments. Peritoneal ligaments, fetal remnant ligaments, and articular ligaments. The peritoneal ligaments is made up of folds of peritoneum. Fetal remnant ligaments are ligaments that are found in very young children. The articular ligaments are ligaments that are found in the joints and connecting bones. Ligaments are slightly elastic; when under tension, they gradually lengthen. This is one reason why dislocated joints must be set as quickly as possible: if the ligaments lengthen too much, then the joint will be weakened, becoming prone to future dislocations. Athletes, gymnasts, dancers, and martial artists perform stretching exercises to lengthen their ligaments, making their joints more supple. The term double-jointed refers to people who have more elastic ligaments, allowing their joints to stretch and contort further. The medical term for describing such double-jointed persons is hyperlaxity and double-jointed is a synonym of hyperlax.

In the periodontal ligament the fibers are the most numerous and make up the bulk of all fibers?

the oblique fibers

What is the agonist and Antagonist muscles in a chin up?


Why would an X-ray be useful to diagnose a fractured bone but not a sprained ligaments?

Bones are denser, and show up fairly well on x-rays, so it's usually possible to see if there are cracks in them or not. Ligaments and muscles are pretty much transparent to x-rays, so it's usually quite impossible to see ligament or muscle damage on an x-ray.

What are the benefits of warming up?

Warming up your muscles, ligaments and tendons will make them less susceptible to injury once you start exercising.

Name two structures that make up the carpal tunnel?

The carpal bones (wrist bones) make up the "floor" of the carpal tunnel and the transverse carpal tunnel ligament make up the top part of the tunnel.

What tissue types are ligament?


What type of cartilage covers the end of bones?

hyaline cartilage is present in the end of long bones.