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Q: What makes bacteria change milk into tangy food?
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What is in the food Brot?

it is a sausage with a tangy spicy taste

How does pasteurization preserve food?

You are heating it, which destroys the bacteria or slows the microbial growth, so less bacteria in the food, which makes it safer to eat!

What are some examples of tangy food?

There are lots of different tangy foods out there such as anything rusticity or anything that has had fruits or anything sweet that has been added to it.

What element in the air can be responsible for food going off?

bacteria is what is in the air that makes food go bad

Why are bacteria that change the form of nitrogen important?

because it is in the food you eat.

Why food is spoiled?

things you use to cook have bacteria and sticks to the food and devours the food. cold also freezes the food and makes it rotten

What makes food coloring change food?

Food colouring changes the colour of the food.

What is bacteria that has the ability to create their own food?

Autotrophs, just like flowers and grass, bacteria make their own food too! Bacteria are sometimes also heterotrophs as well. That means the oposite of aoutotrophs, they don't make their own food. Hope i helped :)

What chemical change producers do that makes food for ALL OF US?

NOT ANSWER!! SORRY I HAD MISTAKEN, QUESTION WAS: What chemical change can producers do that makes food for All of us?

How does adding an organism change the food web?

it makes it a food chain

What is the purpose of bacteria in yogurt?

Not all bacteria is unhealthy, even though it may seem all is bad for you. Yoghurt is considered a healthy food, and its the good bacteria that makes it healthy.

Is there acetic acid in tangy food?

Tangy food contain organic acids. So, it does not necessarily mean that, it contains acetic acid. It may contain any other organic acid like Tartaric acid, Citric acid, etc.