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There are various problems that can cause this, some are serious like stomach ulcers or other stomach lesions, or even food Allergies. Only a doctor can evaluate each individual's symptoms to diagnose the problem and advise on treatments.

Some people have this reaction to Orange Juice if they have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD, also called Acid Reflux) or hyperacidity syndrome causing frequent heartburn. Orange juice is a high acid juice and can cause upset stomach and vomiting in those with problems with backflow of stomach acids. With GERD, there are often multiple factors at work such as a production of abnormally large amounts of acid (not very common); a problem with the closure of the lower esophageal sphincter that doesn't, but should, prevent acids from going backwards from the stomach into the esophagus; hiatal hernias; esophageal contractions; and incomplete emptying of the stomach. Pregnant women can have this problem in the first trimester with "morning sickness" or in later months when the baby is pushing against the stomach from the womb.

Until you can see your doctor, try avoiding high acid and and other stomach-irritating foods like orange juice, tomato products and sauces, cola drinks, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, vinegars, and other citrus fruits and juices and stick with more bland foods. Drink plenty of water, eat frequent small amounts, and avoid over-eating.

Also, in the meantime, there are over-the-counter remedies for acid indigestion and nausea and vomiting, which may help with the symptoms. The pharmacist can advise you on the use of these. Examples of these are antacids, anti-emetics, and stomach acid disorder medications called proton pump inhibitors (like Tagamet, Prilosec, Zantac, etc.). Consult the pharmacist and always read the complete package label and instructions before using over-the-counter remedies.

Other things that may help are to avoid lying down immediately after a meal, wait at least fifteen minutes after eating before lying down or doing any strenuous activities or physical exercise (especially involving bending over), and sleep with more than one pillow at night to keep your head elevated at 15 to 20 degrees so gravity will help keep the stomach acids in place in the stomach. People who are over weight may experience this problem more frequently, so when you see the doctor ask about your weight and an appropriate exercise regimen and diet.

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Q: What might be wrong if when you drink orange juice you vomit?
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When you drink orange juice you vomit?

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Actually it's all about proportions and the type of orange juice, I drink orange juice with milk EVERYDAY. If you use 1/3 milk and then fill however much orange juice, I use minutemaid with pulp; DO NOT USE SUNNYD it's smoothie like, and good for people who don't like to drink milk. -------------------------------------- Unless you drink a huge amount of OJ and milk all at once, you won't throw up. HOWEVER, it is true that orange juice makes milk curdle. That's because orange juice is an acid and milk is a buffer, meaning that milk will, in a way, buffer the acidity of the orange juice, but in exchange, it makes the milk curdle. When you think about it though, that would mean that the milk also curdles because of stomach acid too, so really, it shouldn't make much of a difference. I've drunken milk and then OJ, or the other way around, and not gotten sick. Just limit it to one or so glasses of each. (I drink a bowl of cereal and then or before drink a glass of orange juice.)

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hmmm nothing much but you might feel pain in your stomach and maybe vomit

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if you drink too much then yes

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