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Q: What molecule is responsible for carrying the genetic information encoded on DNA from the nucleus to the ribosome?
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What molecule is responsible for carrying genetic information from the nucleus to the ribosome?


Which organelle is responsible for making protein with the information from mRNA?

the Ribosome makes the protein.

Which type of RNA is responsible for bringing the instructions for a protein from the DNA to the ribosome?

They are the mRNA. They bring the information

Where does the attachment of a mRNA molecule to a ribosome take place?

The attachment of a mRNA molecule to a ribosome takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell.

What molecule is used to take this DNA code out to the ribosome?

mRNA (messenger RNA) is the molecule that carries the copied code from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome.

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How do rna and messenger rna relate?

mRNA, or messenger RNA is a type of RNA responsible for carrying a copy of DNA from the nucleus to the ribosomes.There are 3 types of RNA - mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. tRNA (transfer RNA) is responsible for carrying amino acids to the ribosome so they can be added to the peptide (protein) being created. rRNA (ribosomal RNA) composes part of the ribosome, which is where protein synthesis occurs.

What 2 processes interpret the information in a DNA molecule and result in a protein byproduct?

Transcription to mRNA in the nucleus then translation by ribosome. (I think!)

What is responsible for the production of proteins?

The ribosome.

How is the ribosome involved in protein synthesis?

It puts together the amino acids to create the protein. ribosome synthesise protein molecule from amino acid, using genetic information carried by mRNA molecules from the DNA in the nucleus.

Which molecule directs the synthesis of a polypeptide at a ribosome?


Which organelle is responsible for production of protein?

The organelles that is responsible for the production of proteins inside a cell is the ribosome. The ribosomes are protein builders and synthesizers.