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its because the organism either lives close to the surface and because chloroplasts are visible in its cells (only if it is a plant)

this information was found in my AP Biology textbook

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Q: What observation could be used to determine that an ocean organism carries out autotrophic nutrition?
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What is method of nutrition?

there are two method of nutrition. (a)Autotrophic nutrition :in this method of nutrition organism prepare their own food.(b)Hetrotrophic nutrition:in this method organism depend on aututrophs

Which organism carries autotrophic nutrition the hawkcricket grass or a deer?

the bronze deer

Which organism carries out autotrophic nutrition?

green plant(photoautotroph) and certain types of bacteria(chemoautotroph)

What is the Best definition for autotrophic?

This may not be the best but it is a good definition: Autotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which organisms synthesize the organic materials they require from inorganic sources. also An autotroph is an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy.

What is autotrophic nuutrition?

The kind of nutrition in which an organism prepares its own food and does not depend on other organisms. Such type of nutrition is found in green plants having Chlorophyll, To manufacture their own food in the presence of sunlight. Just contrating to this are Heterotrophs (Heterotrophic nutrition), which depend on green plants or other organisms for food. Autotrophic nutrition provides food for the whole of the living world.

Is a British soldier autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Answer The words "autotrophic" and "heterotrophic" are biological terms describing how an organism metabolyses carbon. Broadly speaking, an autotrophic organism is something like a green plant which metabolyses carbon by photosynthesis and a heterotrophic organism obtains carbon usually by eating an autotrophic organism. As a human, a British soldier would be heterotrophic.

A student observes that an organism is green A valid conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that?

4 ..not enough information is given to determine whether the organism is a plant or an animal

Can you explain me with pictures of mode of nutrition in different animals?

There are two types of nutrition .they are: autotroph and heterotrophic nutrition .1.autotrophic nutrition:the mode of nutrition whereby a living organism makes its food.2.heterotrophic nutrition:the mode of nutrition in which organisms cannot manufacture food and have to depend on other plants and animals for energy.thank you .by g.sreemathi vii-'d'

An organism that can make its own food?

an autotrophic organism, such as a plant or bacteria

An organism capable of synthesizing its own food is described as what?


What do you know about autotrophic organism?

The process of obtaining energy from the source

What is the meaning of autotrophic organism?

It is any organism that can make its own food by light energy or chemical energy