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chloroplast through a process called photosynthesis where a plant turns sunlight into sugar (food)

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Q: What organelle produces food for the plant cells?
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What organelle makes food for plants cells?

chloroplast is the organelle that makes food in a plant cell.

What the organelle that makes food for plant cells?

if you mean which organelle synthesizes nutrients, chloroplasts

What organelle synthesizes food?

The chloroplast is an organelle found in plant cells and is the site of photosynthesis - which results in glucose (sugar or 'food').

What organelle is found only in plant cells that make food?


Which organelle in plant cells enables them to make food?


What organelle makes food?

I think you mean plant cells right? Well the green organelles in plant cells are called chloroplast, and they are green because the chloroplast has a green photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll.

What is the food making site in green plant cells?

They are the chloroplasts. They carry out photosynthesis.

What is the purpose of chloroplast in elodea cells?

Its function is to carry photosynthesis.It produces food for plant.

What is a membrane bound organelle within the of plant cells temporarily stores food enzymes and wastes?

The Central Vacuole.

What two organelles does a plant cell have that an animal cell does not?

cell wall and chromosomes

What contains chlorophyll and is a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green color?

It is about plants. many plant cells are containing chloroplasts.

What is the chemical reaction that produces food in plant cells?

This is called "photosynthesis". Plant cells containing chlorophyll create glucose (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water.