

What part of brain controls waking up?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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The psychologist Sigmund Freud writes that dreams come from the mind, not the brain. He says that dreams come from wishes that a part of the mind called the unconscious is wishing for. If these wishes came true, they would result in some kind of movement (a wish of food could be fulfilled by the movement of walking to the fridge, opening it, pulling out some food, and eating it). However, a censor between the unconscious and the preconscious (another part of the mind) won't let this wish result in movement. So the best that the wish can do is to show itself as being fulfilled. But the preconscious mind often has trouble with seeing this wish be fulfilled because it's an inappropriate wish (eg sexual wishes, wishes to be punished and hurt). So the preconscious mind distorts the dream, making it look bizaare and incomprehensible. If the unconsioucs wish is still too inappropriate, then the preconscious mind will cause you to wake up. To avoid this, the unsconscious tricks the preconscious by "adopting" a harmless wish to be fulfilled, which the preconscious will have no problem with. But this harmless wish is disguising the inappropriate wish, which can never be fully defeated. To summarize: The unconscious wish struggles to overcome resistance from the censor and the preconscious mind, and this struggle crafts the dream from its original wish-fulfillment.

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9y ago

The anterior hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls sleep. The posterior hypothalamus is responsible for wakefulness. Damage to the hypothalamus can result in coma or insomnia depend on the region of damage.

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10y ago

Brainstem and the hypothalamus is the reason for waking and the hypothalamus is the reason for sleeping.

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The brain stem controls some part of the waking process by sending messages to the cerebrum cortex.

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The Pons

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