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The sciatic nerve in humans begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. As well as this it goes from the top of the leg to the foot.

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Q: What path does the sciatic nerve follow in humans?
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Can I see a diagram of the path of the sciatic nerve?

(Sciatica is a condition involving pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. It is caused by an injury to or compression of the sciatic nerve which branches down your back.The sciatic nerve is commonly injured by fractures of the pelvis, gunshot wounds, or other trauma to the buttocks or thigh. Prolonged sitting or lying with pressure on the buttocks may also injure it. )The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body; it runs from your lower back, through your buttock, down your leg.The tibial and fibular nerves originate from spinal segments L4-S3. The two nerves come together and are referred to jointly as the sciatic (meaning hip) nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body.They separate at the back of the knee. The tibial nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the leg and the fibular supplies the anterior and lateral compartments.The sciatic nerve are nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord and into the lower back.

What is the path of light from the outside of the eye to the retina?

Qustion:The correct pathway for impulses leaving the retina? My answer: photoreceptors, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, and optic nerve.

What carries electrical impulses from the ear to the brain?

sound waves enter the ear canal and cause the eardrum to vibrate.VIBRATIONS pass through 3 connected bones in the middle earThis motion SETS FLUID MOVING in the inner ear.Moving fluid bends thousands of delicate hair-like cells which convert the vibrations into NERVE IMPULSES.Nerve impulses are CARRIED to the brain by the auditory nerveIn the brain, these impulses are CONVERTED into what we "hear" as sound.

The routes nerve impulses from your senses?


What is a possible path for matter to follow in the river ecosystem?

*Oxygen moves from the river's water into a fish by way of the fish's gills. *Water moves from the river into an otter when the otter drinks. *Nutrients move from an insect to a frog when the frog eats the insect.

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Can I see a diagram of the path of the sciatic nerve?

(Sciatica is a condition involving pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. It is caused by an injury to or compression of the sciatic nerve which branches down your back.The sciatic nerve is commonly injured by fractures of the pelvis, gunshot wounds, or other trauma to the buttocks or thigh. Prolonged sitting or lying with pressure on the buttocks may also injure it. )The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body; it runs from your lower back, through your buttock, down your leg.The tibial and fibular nerves originate from spinal segments L4-S3. The two nerves come together and are referred to jointly as the sciatic (meaning hip) nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body.They separate at the back of the knee. The tibial nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the leg and the fibular supplies the anterior and lateral compartments.The sciatic nerve are nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord and into the lower back.

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false, he could follow the path

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