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Which plants are the best conductors of electricity

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Q: What plants are the best conductors of electricity science fair project?
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What information can you get for a science fair project on plants?

the quantom physics of plants are unlikely.

What would be a good title for a science fair project on plants?

the growth of plants

What is a good name for your science fair project about plants?

the way the plants die over winter for a week , Plants every where.....

What is a good name for a science fair project about plants?

i would call it something like plants galore!

What are some catchy titles for science fair project about liquids and plants?


What would be a good science fair project title for a project with pH and aquatic plants?

pHantastic plants of the sea pHabulous aquatic life Appropriate for child/adolescent

What is a catchy title for your science project 'Does temperature affect plants growth?

Burn it or Grow it?

What science fair project should you make?

It can be anything that effectively displays the scientific method in use. You want a project that allows anyone to observe a scientific phenomena. You can use plants, animals, electricity, water, sand, magnets, metals, rubber bands and many many more random items to demonstrate laws of science or scientific theories.

How do you write a prediction for a science project?

First you need a project, before you can predict the result of that project. Water: is it good for growing plants or not? My prediction: it's good.

How do you name a science project?

When naming a science project, think about the question you want to answer. The project name is just rephrasing the Question into a statement. ex. Question: do plants grow better in sunlight or under florescent lights? Project Name: Plant growth in different lighting conditions

Choose the topic that is correctly stated for a science fair project?

if youre trying to think of something to do for a science fair I would do a volcano

Can plants grow with milk?

I did a science project on whether plants grow with another liquid and soy milk made the plant grow bigger than the other plants.