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ischial tuberosity

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Q: What prominent bone marking on each coxa do you sit on?
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Related questions

Are the coxa superficial to the thorax?

The coxa are inferior to the thorax. Both are bony, and can be described as neither superficial nor deep in relation to each other.

What does coxad mean?

if you meant 'Coxa' The projecting part on each side of the body, formed by the side of the pelvis and the top portion of the femur.

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What bone is connects to one bone to another bone?

ligaments connect bone to each other.

Is there negative marking in uptu?

yes there is negative marking but i dont know how much thwy deduct for each question.... if any one knows, please share

Do cheetahs have special marking?

Yep, the spots are slightly different on each cheetah. I think they look as different to each other as we do to each other.

What bone is the small medial bone of each orbit?

The Lacrimal and Ethmoid bones

How many joints does a honey bee have on its fore middle and hind legs?

Each of the bee's legs has five separate parts, the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. Joints separate each of these parts, so each leg has five joints including the one connecting the leg to the thorax.

What bone is found your back?

Each individual bone in your back is a vertebra (plural vertebrae).

What kind of bone is a Zygoma bone?

These are bones in the face that stick out from the sides to form the cheek. There is one on each side.

What type of bone is coaxial bone?

Hip bone, there are 2 coxal(coaxial) bones. Each composed of illium which, ischium, and pubis.

What is between each layer of bone?
