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Q: What secretion does the liver produce that emulsifies lipids?
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What thing help in emulsification of fats?

In the small intestine of digestive system the lipids are emulsified by the action of bile from liver.

Does the liver produce bile that emulsifies cellulose?

No, the liver produces bile that emulsifies fats.

Is bile the same as bile salts?

no, bile is different from bile salt.bile is the secretion of the liver consisting of water, bile salt,bile pigment,cholestorol,lecithin and several ion it emulsifies lipids prior to their digestion.

Produce by the liver this emulsifies fats to make digestion easier?


Does the liver produce anything else but bile?

Actually the liver does produce other products. Proteins: albumin, fibrinogen and globulins Lipids and lipoproteins.

Two main functions of endoplasmic reticulum?

They produce lipids specially steroids.Engage in detoxification in liver.

What organelles found in liver cells are affected by drug abuse?

Mitochondria, as the liver needs to have more energy as it has to produce proteins and lipids at rapid rates.

What emulsifies fats to make digestion easier that is produced by the liver?

bile salts

What is the purpose of soft endoplasmic reticulum?

They build up peroxisomes .They produce lipids specially steroids.Engage in detoxification in liver.

What is the body's main processing center for fats?

The Pancreas due its juices it can break down fats

What does the smooth endoplasmic riticulum do?

It deactivates hormones in liver.Stores Ca2+ in skeletal muscles.They produce lipids specially steroids.Engage in detoxification in liver.

Role of liver in the digestion of food?

It secretes bile for fat digestion. The hypatocystes (cells) of liver produce bile. The bile is stored in gallbladder. The bile enters the duodenum and emulsifies the fats. It also reduces the acidity of chyme.