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The cerebellum

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Q: What section of the brain is located inferior to the cerebrum and posterior to the brainstem?
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Where is the brainstem located?

The brainstem contains ascending and descending nerve pathways that carry sensory input and motor output information to and from higher brain regions

What 2 sections of the brain are located near the brainstem?

The cerebrum and cerebellum.

Structure located inferior to the brainstem?

Spinal cord......

Where is the the cerebellum located?

part of stem that goes through the neck below the posterior portion of the cerebrum

Which cerebral lobe is the visual cortex lobe located?

The visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe at the posterior (back) cerebrum.

Were is the posterior pituitary located in the human body?

Just inferior to the hypothalamus in the brain.

What is the section of the human encephalon which comprises the pons cerebellum and medulla?

These two structures are located in the brainstem which is the most posterior part of the brain.

What connects to the cerebrum and the spinal cord?

The spinal cord is attached to the brain stem located at the base of the brain. This stem is connected to the cerebellum.

What part of the brain keeps muscles working together?

The cerebellum is located near the back of the brain and his cupped around the brainstem. This portion of the brain is responsible for muscle coordination, balance, involuntary movements.

The normal rate and depth of breathing is established in centers located in the?

The medulla oblongata, which is the most inferior part of the brainstem, contains the nuclei that regulate our rate and depth of breathing.

Where is the base of the heart located?

The upper most anterior / inferior connecting part of the Heart to the Arteries.

Where are most extensors located?

posterior posterior