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nuclear fission

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Q: What term is used to describe splitting a large atomic nucleus into two smaller ones?
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What term is use to describe splitting a large atomic nucleus into smaller ones?

Nuclear fission is defined as splitting large nuclei into smaller ones.

The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called?

The splitting of an atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission.

The splitting of the nucleus of a large atom into two or more smaller nuclei occurs during nuclear?

The splitting of an atomic nucleus is known as nuclear fission.

What word describes the process of a heavy atomic nucleus splitting into several smaller particles?


What is the splitting of an atomic nucleus to form two smaller nuclei of roughly equal mass?

Nuclear fission

What is another term for binary fission?

nuclear spilittingNuclear splitting or splitting of the nucleus are another terminology for atomic fission.

Spliting of nucleus into smaller fragments?

the splitting of the nucleus into smaller fragments is called fission.This was the same process used when the US dropped its atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII back in 1945 using Uranium in one, and Plutonium in the other.

How does the atomic number describe the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom?

The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Is nuclear fission splitting two atoms apart?

In general, nuclear fission is the splitting of a single atomic nucleus. One atom with an unstable nucleus splits, either spontantously or perhaps because it has absorbed a neutron. Fission is a physics term applied to the action of the splitting of an atom, not the splitting or "separating" of two atoms.

Describe what the atomic number af an element refers to?

The number of protons in the nucleus.

Which does not describe the relationship between the nucleus and the electron cloud of an atomic?

Their masses are not the same.

Describe the location of protons neutrons and electrons in relation ton the nucleus?

Protons and neutrons are placed in the atomic nucleus; electrons are around the nucleus.