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They both live, eat living things, breathe air.

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Q: What three characteristics do animals and fungi share?
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What three characteristics that fungi share with animals?

Both are heterotrophs, the lobster and fungi have the same outer shell.

What are three characteristics of fungi share with animals?

1 : heterotrophic , 2 : Lack of chlorophyll , 3 : Lack of cell wall.

What are three groups of consumer?

plants,animals, and fungi.

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The three characteristics that a bread mold shares with a mushroom are both use spores to reproduces, both have hyphae, and both have eukaryotes.

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What are three characteristics common to all animals in the phylum?

Animals in the arthopada phylum 3 major characteristics. They have three body parts, a tougher exoskeleton, and have jointed legs.

What are three characteristics common to all animals in the arthropada phylum?

The three common characteristics of animals in the phylum Arthropoda are: having a segmented body with paired jointed legs, having a hard exoskeleton made of chitin, and undergoing ecdysis, or molting, to grow.

What are the three similarities between fungi and animals?

They are living, they grow, and they are eaten. Or...they use DNA, RNA and protein

Is it true that protist are the only organisms that are classified in the Animalia Plantae and fungi kingdoms because they exhibit characteristics of all three?


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It's a cool and hot mixture of lava and air

In which kingdoms are all organisms multicellular?

The 5 kingdoms are fungi, plante, eubacteria, protista, and animalia. But only 3 out of the 5 are multicellular. The three kingdoms that are multicellular are: 1) fungi 2) animalia 3) plante