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  • Overhunting is a problem throughout the world despite many government attempts to keep poaching and overharvesting at bay. The killing of animals for food can be beneficial to an extent because of the disease and other problems related to overpopulation of a species. But when a species is hunted to extremes, its numbers eventually begin to decline and it becomes endangered or extinct. Since animals all play some role in the ecosystem, this type of hunting threatens the balance in nature that exists.


  • The ecosystem is constantly threatened because of habitat destruction. One of the most disturbing human activities concerning the environment is the mass deforestation for agricultural purposes or land development.
  • All species of animals have specific needs in their habitat, and some rely on a relatively small habitat that may not exist elsewhere. Once humans level the forest they call home, they are likely to disappear form existence over time.

Non-Native Species Introductions

  • The ecosystem is a delicate balance of plant and animal species that belong in a particular area. But humans introduce non-native species to new habitats for their own purposes. For example, an animal is introduced to a new area where it did not previously exist to help cut down on a rodent overpopulation. Eventually the new animal begins to have its own impact on the new area, and often it results in trouble for other native species. Non-native plants may also become a problem by taking over existing native species in a new place, meaning an important flower or herb may be smothered out.
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12y ago

deforestation (the act of cutting down trees) , pollution (air & water) and carbon emissions - factories, transportation - release this into the atmosphere. In addition, all of these are factors are main contributors towards Global Warming.

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12y ago

High intensity Logging operations in heavily forested areas, like the South American rainforest, Draining of swamps and bogs, which can have bad effects on native wildflowers and amphibians, and use of agricultural pesticides, which can get into the water cycle and poison non-target species.

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using a machine, but we destroy the ecosystem because of noise pollution is the big destruction of the ecosystem, because we interrupt the communication of other animals and insects. jamokz

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10y ago

waterways, overfishing, and pollution

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Q: What three human activies are threatening both coral reefs and coastal ecosystems?
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What is a marine ecosystem?

Marine ecosystems are among the largest of Earth's aquatic ecosystems. They include oceans, salt marsh and intertidal ecology, estuaries and lagoons, mangroves and coral reefs, the deep sea and the sea floor. They can be contrasted withfreshwater ecosystems, which have a lower salt content.

What is a coastal ocean?

They are landforms in the Coastal Region. Here are some examples: waterfalls, rivers, meadows and Plains.

What are the four types of water ecosystems?

The four types of Aquatic Ecosystems are - 1. Oceans are the largest of the ecosystems covering more than 70 % of the earth's surface. 2. Freshwater bodies like lakes and ponds 3. Flowing fresh water like rivers and streams 4. Wetlands with wet soil and plants that grow in this type of soil

What type of ecosystem does the ecosystem live in?

Well, an ecosystem, is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their enviroment. An ecosystem can be as small as a field or as large as the ocean. It is used to describe the world's major different habitat types. Terrestrial ecosystems include: arctic and alpine ecosystems, dominated by tundra with scarce vegetation; forest ecosystems, which can be subdivided into a whole range of types including tropical rainforests, Mediterranean evergreen forests, boreal forests, and temperate coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests; grasslands and savannas; and deserts and semi-arid ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, rivers, and marshlands. Marine ecosystems comprise an enormous range, from coral reefs, mangroves, sea-grass beds, and other shallow coastal water ecosystems, to open-water ones, including the mysterious, little-known ecosystems of the abyssal plains and trenches of the world's oceans.

Describe the five levels of ecological study?

Individual Organisms- The smallest unit of ecological study is the individual organism. A blue sweetlip fish is one example of an organism in a coral reef environment.Populations- is a group of individual organisms of the same species living in a particular area. A group of sweetlip fish in the reef environment is an example of a population.Communities- The coral reef is home to a collection of living things including fish, coral animals, microscopic algae, and all other organisms living in and around the reef.Ecosystems- includes the abiotic factors and the biotic factors in an area. A coral reef ecosystem includes the reef's many species and its nonliving conditions, such as the water temperature and amount of sunlight.Biosphere- the sum of all Earth's ecosystems

Related questions

Is coral in the coastal oceans?

yes coral can be in the coastal oceans

What are the harmful practice of man that can cause destruction of coral reef?

Coastal congestion,coastal pollution,and coastal migration contribute to the destruction of coral reefs.Coastal construction also disturbs the coral reef ecosystem.

What is a diverse and fragile ecosystems formed from coral shells of calcium carbonate?

You think of course to coral reefs.

Coral reefs and islands are considered ecosystems?

for Plato users its true :)

Who has the most diverse ecosystems tropical rainforest or coral reef?


How can you explain issues associated with coral harvesting methods?

Coral harvesting methods cause damage to coral reef ecosystems faster than the ecosystems can recover.Blast fishing is used because it maximizes the harvesting of fish, but it is also destructive to surrounding coral. Cyanide harvesting has similar effects. It can often kill coral along with the fish that it is targeting. Coral harvesting targets coral. If large portions of coral are removed it is difficult for the ecosystem to recover, as the coral as essential for the ecosystem and grows slowly over a period of many years. -e2020

The most diverse ecosystems on Earth are?

Tropical rain forests are the most diverse ecosystems in the world.

How can a coral reef rebound?

most coral remore salts the ef ecosystems will bounce back from callapse as an ocean tempeture cools and retains

What natural region is coral springs located in?

coastal low lands

Why could a rapid increase in global ocean levels be a disaster for coral reef ecosystems?

A rapid increase of global ocean levels can be a disaster to coral reef ecosystems because they live in warm, calm water with lots of sunlight, and if the water could become cooler from the levels of water it could kill the coral reef.

What affects the coral reef's ecosystems?

Waves shape them and also provide the needed oxygen

Why is coral reef important?

Coral reefs are important ecosystems because many species of fish and organisms live there.They serve as Protectors and Wave Breakers.