

What type of cells carry mutated DNA?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The type of cells that carry mutated DNA is the boold cells

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Q: What type of cells carry mutated DNA?
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What type of cells carry mutations?

The type of cells that carry mutated DNA is the boold cells

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Yes Cancer cells have DNA, just like all the rest of the cells in your (or any organisms body). The only difference is that a cancer cells DNA has been mutated (changed) and not harms the body it is a part of (usually through continual mitosis). Hope this Helps

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The only two types of cells that do not carry a full strand of DNA are the male sperm cells, and the female egg cells.

Why is DNA mutated?

It is how populations evolve.

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The comparison between the DNA sequence of normal DNA to the mutated DNA will be made. The type of mutation will be revealed during the base sequence.

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