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Q: What type of doctor treats Chronic Granulomatous Disease?
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What kind of doctor treats chronic bronchitis?

A pulmonary specialist.

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What type of doctor treats mononucleosis?

An infectious disease specialist can evaluate mononucleosis.

How do a doctor treat heart disease?

One way a doctor treats heart disease is to do a heart transplant. That is, removing the heart of the patient, and replacing it with a healthy heart of someone who has died.

What type of doctor treats chronic fibrosing salpingitis?

Salpingitis is an infection and inflammation in the fallopian tubes. An STD clinic doctor would treat this, as could a GP or gynecologist.

What is Hering's Laws of Cure?

Healing may come in many stages, as the practitioner treats layers of symptoms that are remnants of traumas or chronic disease in the patient's past.

Who treats children diseases?

A Doctor Who treats children is called a paediatrician

What patient purview does homeopathic medicine take?

Healing may come in many stages, as the practitioner treats layers of symptoms that are remnants of traumas or chronic disease in the patient's past

What do general practitioner's do?

A doctor who treats both acute and chronic illnesses is known as a general practitioner. A general practitioner provides cure and preventive care for all sexes.

What doctor treats bronchitis?

A pulmonologist (lung doctor) or a family doctor treats bronchitis, chronic and acute. An otorhinolaryngologist, (ENT short for Ear, nose, throat) or an allergologist (allergy doctor) may assist too if those contribute to bronchitis.

What doctor treats asthma?

Pulmonologist are specialists dealing with lung related disease. But asthma is usually treated by Internists or doctors practicing General Medicine

What kind of doctor treats palmer hyperhidrosis?

Dermatologist treats that condition