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your dumb if you dont know this

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Q: What type of joint allow you to kneel down?
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Which type of joint allows your knee to bend?

a joint called the hinge joint allows you to bend and straighten your knees!!:)

What type of joint does not allow for any movement?

fibrous joint

Type of joint found in neck?

The type of joint found in the neck is known as a pivot joint. This is what will allow you to move your head in all directions.

Which type of joints allow for the most movement?

I think it's your elbow.

What type of joint allows movement up and down?

Ball and socket joint

What type of movement is possible at the hinge joint between the tibia and the talus bone?

Hinge type of joint allowsflex-ionandextent-iontypes of movement. Tibia and Talus forming hinge joint they allow above type of movement.

What is the name of a joint that doesnt allow any movement?

The name of the joint should be primary cartilage joint as per my opinion. Others may say that it is the suture type of joint.

Gliding joint?

gliding joint, also known as a plane joint or planar joint, is a common type of synovial joint formed between bones that meet at flat or nearly flat articular surfaces. Gliding joints allow the bones to glide past one another in any direction along the plane of the joint — up and down, left and right, and diagonally.

This type of joint allows side to side movement and up and down movement?

There are six joints that have movement. The plvotal joint is what allows up and down movement.

Which type of joints allow flat surfaces to move againts each other?

Gliding joint

What type of joint connect the shoulder blade and the collarbone?

Gliding Joint - The joining of two flat bones that slide against one another forms a gliding joint, or plane joint. This type of joint doesn't allow much motion. The connection between your shoulder blade (scapula) and collar bone (clavicle) is a gliding joint.

What is a type of joint that doesn't allow movement?

Synarthroses are joints that do not move, such as those that connect the bones of the skull.