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Serous Membrane

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Q: What type of membrane provides lubrication to the pleural pericardial and peritoneal cavities?
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What serous membrane covers the surface of the abdominal organs?

Viscera denotes the organs in the body cavities. (The heart confined in the Pericardial cavity, the lungs in the Pleural cavity, and the abdominal organs in the Peritoneal cavity). Visceral membrane (visceral serosa) covers those organs.

What does the visceral membrane cover?

Viscera denotes the organs in the body cavities. (The heart confined in the Pericardial cavity, the lungs in the Pleural cavity, and the abdominal organs in the Peritoneal cavity). Visceral membrane (visceral serosa) covers those organs. More info could be find on

Location of synovial membrane?

The synovial membrane is found on the cavities of joints, tendon sheaths and bursae. It is a layer of connective tissue that makes the synovial fluid, which is used for lubrication.

What is the space between the parietal and visceral pericardial membrane?

Pericardial cavity

Pericardial membrane encloses what within the pericardial cavity?

Encloses cardiac space.

What is the simple squamous epithelium that lines the peritoneal cavity called?

The peritoneal membrane lines the peritoneal cavity.

Is the visceral pericardium a serous membrane?

Yes, each serous membrane forms an inner visceral layer that covers the organs in the cavity. And the visceral pericardium is a serosa membrane associated with the heart.

What membrane encloses the kidneys?


What is the outermost of the pericardial membrane?

Fibrous pericardium

The outermost of the pericardial membrane is the?

Fibrous Pericardium

What is the difference between pericardial pleural and peritoneal varieties?

pleural membranes are separated from parietal by a thin film of watery fluid and usually cover an internal organ like lungs. pericardial membranes surround the heart peritioneal membranes line the abdominopelvic cavity So basically, the only difference is what each variety membrane surrounds or covers.

What secretes pericardial fluid?

Pericardial fluid is a fluid that is secreted by the serous membrane on the pericardious sac on the outside of the heart.