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The DNA sequence of a gene can be altered in a number of ways. Gene mutations have varying effects on health, depending on where they occur and whether they alter the function of essential proteins.
The types of mutations include: missense mutation, nonsense mutation, insertion, deletion, duplication, frameshift mutation or repeat expansion.
A deletion changes the number of DNA bases by removing a piece of DNA. Small deletions may remove one or a few base pairs within a gene, while larger deletions can remove an entire gene or several neighboring genes. The deleted DNA may alter the function of the resulting protein(s).

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Q: What type of mutation will the deletion of a DNA nucleotide from a strand of DNA cause?
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What is the difference between a point mutation and an insertion and deletion?

Because a point mutation is the replacement of a single base with another base. Thus, if the replacement base codes for the same type amino acid, such as a hydrophobic type amino acid replacing a hydrophobic amino acid, no change to the protein coded for will occur. If a deletion mutation occurs then the code for the protein is disrupted and the protein product is probably going to be useless to the body and may even cause a disease.

What are the three ways chromosomes can cause mutations?

point mutation, insertion and deletion

Which do you suppose would be more harmful A mutation that changed the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA molecule or a mutation that changed the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule?

A mutation in a DNA nucleotide sequence would be more harmful than a mutation in a mRNA nucleotide sequence because it could cause the synthesis of multiple nonfunctional proteins in comparison to a mutation in a mRNA nucleotide sequence that would be less harmful because it would result in a few nonfunctional proteins.

What are 3 types of mutation?

Three types of gene mutations are substitution, insertion, and deletion. Another gene mutation would be frame shift. All these mutations can cause deformities of the gene.

A mutation that causes antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a what mutation?

Missense mutation Nonsense mutation Frameshift insertion Frameshift deletion All may cause antibiotic resistance in bacteria

How many nucleotides would cause a frame shift mutation?

Adding or subtracting just one nucleotide would cause a frame shift mutation.

What happens in deletion mutation?

"A type of gene mutation wherein the deletion (as well as addition) of (a number of) nucleotide(s) causes a shift in the reading frame of the codons in the mRNA, thus, may eventually lead to the alteration in the amino acid sequence at protein translation."

What are types of point mutation?

The types of point mutations are: base-pair substitution, insertions, deletions, and frameshift mutations. In base-pair substitution, one nucleotide and its corresponding partner are replaced with another pair of nucleotide. In insertion, nucleotide pairs are added to a gene. In deletion, nucleotide pairs are taken out of a gene. Frameshift mutation happens as a result of insertion or deletion when more or less than three (or a multiple of three) nucleotide pairs are added to or taken from a gene.

Mutations that change one or just a few of nucleotides in a gene on a chromosome are called what?

the correct answer is C. a substitution i know this cause i have this book to this question and point mutation is not one of the answer and i found the answer in the book -No its substituton you jack wagon your books wrong

What nucleotide could be included in the sequence agatgcgagttacgg to form a genetic mutation?

The nucleotide sequence should be AGA TGC GAG TTA CGG (all upper case). AGA TGC GAG TTA CGG (first strand) on DNA TCT, ACG, CTC, AAT, GCC (complementary strand) to the above DNA mRNA: UGU,UGC,GUG,UUA,CGG producing these amino acids:cytoseine, cytosine, valine and arginine. Adding an adenine could cause a mutation at the second codon (stop).

Why does a deletion mutation usually cause more defects during protein synthesis than a point mutation?

Deletion mutations can affect the entire base sequence.

What are the impact of mutations and how mutations can have no impact?

Mutations are usually anomalies in the sequence of a particular strand of DNA. The change is the sequence can be of various kinds and their individual effects vary. Sometimes mutations occur but they are never expressed. In such cases, on the whole, the mutation has had no impact. Changes in a single nucleotide can change the reading frame for protein coding regions and can cause misreading of the genetic code. For example, nonsense mutations caused by the exchange of a nucleotide leading to a stop codon can cause truncation of a protein. On the other hand, we can have silent mutations which show no effect because the nucleotide that has been exchanged does not cause change in amino acid sequence. So this would be an example of a mutation which shows no effect.