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Which vacuole- like structures break down and recycle cell parts

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1mo ago

Lysosomes are vacuole-like structures that contain enzymes to break down and recycle cell parts. They are responsible for digesting waste material and cellular debris in a process known as autophagy.

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Q: What vacuole like structures break down and recycle cell parts?
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What vacuole-like structures break down and recycle cell parts?

Which vacuole- like structures break down and recycle cell parts

Which vacuole-like structure break down and recycle cell parts?


Which vacuole-like strucrures break down and recycle cell parts?

The lysosome is the organelle that breaks down molecules.

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re, which means again. Example: recycle. to break something down into its parts and put it to a new use (the parts are used again).

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The are enzymes. The are small particles that break up the starch in your intestines! Hope this helps

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Lysosomes are organelles found in animal cells that serve to break down food and also recycle other cell parts. They are not present in blood cells.

What cells use lysosomes to break down food and old cell parts?

Lysosomes are organelles found in animal cells that serve to break down food and also recycle other cell parts. They are not present in blood cells.

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Yes by molting their parts

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Nucleus , cytoplasm , food vacuole , contractile vacuole ,pseudopodia , plasma membrane and other eukaryotic organelles .