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Q: What would cause panick attacks in a homan body?
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What would cause a cat to attack a cat after two years of no attacks ever?

well because it needed to happen

Why did the IRA engage in terrorist attacks?

IRA engaged in terrorist attacks to cause the collapse of the government of Northern Ireland. They also wanted to inflict substantial casualties on British forces that the British government would be forced by public opinion to withdraw from the region.

Is NATO attacks on Pakistan violation of international laws?

No, otherwise NATO would not plan the attacks.

Why are there no or few orca attacks on humans?

these animals may be feirce whan hunting or protecting young they do not have adesire for human. there is no known case of case of a orca ever killing a human it never attacks a human

Can you get axiety attacks when your young?

the answer would be yes! Im 16 and i have anxiety attacks when im very stressed out or when i become very upset. They are also called panic attacks.

Can Adderall cause nystagmus?

I think so, but please if you think it’s a cool party trick then you’re wrong. I suffer from this condition and I get random attacks. If you try to get nystagmus you won’t be able to drive and you’ll get random attacks unless you learn to do it on command in which case you would still have random attacks. Please, I beg you, do not try it! It is not cool and it will most likely RUIN your life!

Does the CIA track shark attacks on politiCIAns?

As with all shark attacks, shark attacks on politicians are recorded also. But that is not something that the CIA would take part in tracking.To record there are no notable shark attacks on any politicians.

Why is it not good to be overweight?

It is extremely bad to be overweight because it can lead to many problems. Some of these are obesity, high blood pressure, stroke and even heart attacks. Strokes and heart attacks can be caused because your arteries get blocked due to the fat intake. Not only would you die earlier, but obesity would cause stress on your mind, breathing difficulties and it would even be embarrassing for you to go out and wear what you like.

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Germany's submarine warfare was unrestricted. These attacks led to World War I.

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Wilson was worried that if the U.S. troops came under British control, they would be used for frontal attacks (this would cause a large number of casualties and would not look good on Wilson's part.)

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Hey would be able to destroy the whole country

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Wilson was worried that if the U.S. troops came under British control, they would be used for frontal attacks (this would cause a large number of casualties and would not look good on Wilson's part.)