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If a plant could not produce pigment then it would not be able to carry out photosynthesis. The photosynthetic pigment in the plant captures the light energy from the sun and is able to convert it to chemical energy. On the microscopic level, electrons are excited due to the energy of the photons and they reach a high energy state. Once these electrons fall back to ground state they release energy. The energy is focused on chlorophyll "a" which has the ability to lose electrons due to its structure. The lost electrons move through a transport chain and end up reducing NADP+ and indirectly help produce ATP which are needed in the Calvin cycle to help produce glucose. So without pigments, nothing would be able to capture the light energy and initiate photosynthesis.

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Q: What would happen if a plant has a mutation and did not produce pigment?
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The chemical used when a plant cell photosynthesizes is called chlorophyll, which is a pigment in the chloroplast of the cell.

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