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The spleen is not necessary for life but does have important functions:

1. Defense -macrophages lining sinusoids of spleen remove microorganisms from blood and phagocytose (eat) them.

2. Hematopoiesis -monocytes (white blood cell) and lymphocytes (white blood cell) complete their development in the spleen.

3. Red blood cell and platelet destruction-macrophages remove worn-out RBCs and imperfect platelets and destroy them by phagocytosis (eating); also salvage iron and globin from destroyed RBCs

4. Blood reservoir -pulp of spleen and its sinuses store blood for when you really need extra blood. If you noticed a "stitch" in your side when running hard, that is the spleen adding blood to the system so you will get oxygen.

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You will die from internal bleeding

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you die

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Q: What would happen if your spleen exploded?
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