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Low clouds can deposit water vapor on a plant by the mechanism of condensation. In this circumstance, the plant is cool enough to cause moisture (water vapor) in the air that comes in contact with the plant to lose enough energy to condense out and form little droplets.

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Q: When a water vapor goes from a cloud to a plant what is this called?
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What occurs at the cloud base where water vapor begins?

At the cloud base when water vapor begins condensing it begins to release it. This releasing is called rain.

What occurs at the cloud base where water vapor begins condensing?

At the cloud base when water vapor begins condensing it begins to release it. This releasing is called rain.

What are the steps of condensation?

Evaporation happens when heat(the sun) hits water, and it turns into a gas. Which is also called "water vapor." Then when a whole amount of the gas comes together, it becomes a cloud. Then once the cloud becomes full(after a long period of time)it falls into a liquid. Which is called precipitation.

What is it called when water vapor turns to a cloud droplet?

The answer to this question is precaution!

Why cloud do not fall on the earth?

They do. It's called rain! The beautiful transformation of ice to water to vapor/cloud!

Water vapor in the atmosphere is called?

evaporation Evaporation is what puts the vapour into the atmosphere, but once it's there it's called cloud, and I bet you knew that! How about "humidity" ? 'Vapor' is invisible. Cloud is actually liquid and no longer vapor.

What is the processes of making a cloud called?

Clouds are formed from the condensation of water vapor.

The loss of water vapor from a plant is called?


What does water vapor change into when it rise?

It changes back into water, which is called condensation. That makes it into a cloud.

What is the process of cloud formation called?

The process of cloud formation is called condensation or deposition. Both combined with water generate clouds on the atmosphere. Condensation occurs when vapor changes to liquid water. Deposition occurs when ice forms from water vapor.

What is plant's release of excess water vapor called?


What does water vapor become when it evaporates?

when water evaporates it condenses and becomes water vapor:)