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It does not make a difference what time of day you take it, so long that it is the same time every day.

That said, sometimes they make people a bit nauseous, so it may be easier on you if you take it before you go to bed, so you sleep through the nausea.

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Q: When is the right time to take contraception pills?
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Why do you only have a period if you take birth control pills?

There are many hormonal imbalances that can cause periods to be missing without the pill and present with the pill. The first weeks of pills in the pack can make hormone levels more normal while you're taking them. Because the inactive pills contain no hormones, breakthrough bleeding will occur. Talk to your health care provider about the absent periods to find out if additional testing is suggested to learn why you only have bleeding when you're on birth control pills. And keep using a reliable method of preventing pregnancy until the time you're ready to get pregnant. Even women who have rare periods can get pregnant. There is no medical reason to have monthly bleeding while taking BCP - your health care provider can tell you how to take your pills so bleeding stops completely.

Cure for climitea?

is an STD(sexual transmitted disease) take cure, take 4 pills, called azithromycin (generic for zithromax) 500mg tablets, pink and oval. take them all at 1 time and a week later ur cured! PS: dont sleep with that person ever again, and "man" or "women" up and tell whoever else u have had sex with!!!!!!

How long does it take for a bone to regrow I fell from a laddder causing an open fracture and lost about an inch of my fibula on impact. I also broke my tibia and inside ankle on right foot?

All I know is that gotta hurt and it will take quite a long time. Maybe more than 5 months

Recovery time for partial tear of supraspinatus tendon?

I am recently diagnosed with a partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon on my right shoulder. My Orthopaedic surgeon recommended a non-operative treatment and advised that it would take about 3-6 months for it to recover.

When and where does evolution take place?

Everywhere where life is, all the time.

Related questions

If you get your period early on in the cycle should you skip right to the sugar pills?

Hi, No never skip to sugar pills when this happens or it will throw your cycle off completely. Continue to take the pills as prescribed. So take the active pills and then the sugar pills when it is time.

Which is safe pills or injection?

They are both safe but I would say pills because you can get diseases through injections but taking too many pills can be fatal, I would rather take pills but it's really up to you because you might be responsible enough to take the right amount of pills at the right time but you could have an injection if you wanted to.

When can you get period after taking emergency contraception?

After using emergency contraception, your period may come a week earlier, a week later, or right on time.

Will taking two to three birth control pills at a time damage your insides?

No, it will not. It's part of the normal treatment when catching up on missed birth control pills (up to two at a time), or using birth control pills to control irregular uterine bleeding, as well as for emergency contraception.

What if you miss six birth control pills?

YES. You can get pregnant if you miss one at the right time of your cycle. You need to get in a comfortable daily routine of taking your pills so you remember to take them.

When is the best time to take the pills yeduc?

it is best to take these pills early in the am because they are suppose to give you energy

Can you take Ativan and sleeping pills at the same time?

Ativan is a tranquilizer, and so are sleeping pills. I doubt that you should take them at the same time. Aks your doctor to be sure.

Do you have to take the contraception pill on the first day of my period?

no. just put hot water below your stomach. it would ease the feeling.

If you took 4 pills at the same time should you continue with your pack?

Yes, if you took four pills at once for emergency contraception, you should continue taking one pill per day until the pack is done. Then start the new cycle of birth control.

What if you took four birth control pills at one time?

That's a normal thing to do if you're using the birth control pill for emergency contraception. (Only certain birth control pills can be used in this way, and the doses differ depending on the pill.) If you're just trying to make up for missed pills, taking four at a time has no benefit, and is likely to cause nausea and vomiting.

Which form of contraception prevents a person from having any biological children in the future?

Permanent contraception options include vasectomy for men, and bilateral tubal ligation for women. Essure is a new permanent contraception option for women as well.

Can you become pregnant even if you have been on the pill but did not take it correctly?

of course-no contraception is effective all the time on everyone.