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cartilage breakdown Or Arthritis.

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Q: When the cartilage of a joint breaks down it is known as?
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Why Would One Need Knee Surgery?

Osteoarthritis, the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone is one of the major reasons for knee replacement surgery in Chennai. Age is a very common condition and it occurs when cartilage the protection or covering between the knee and the bone joints breaks down.

What is facet osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis can cause the breakdown of cartilage between facet joints. This causes pain as well as loss of motion and stiffness.The facet joints are in the back portion or posterior of the spine. They combine with the disc space to create a three joint complex at each vertebral level. These joints consist of two opposing bony surfaces that should have cartilage between them and a capsule around it that produces fluid.The cartilage and the fluid combine to allow the joint to move with little friction. However, with facet joint arthritis, the cartilage breaks down causing more friction with joint movement. This leads to a loss of motion stiffness and back pain.

What are the symptoms of chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia can affect any joint, but the most common location is inside the knee. It usually begins as a small area of softened cartilage behind the kneecap (patella) that can be painful. Eventually, more of the cartilage softens, and the softened cartilage can crack or shred into a mass of fibers. In severe cases, the damaged cartilage can wear away completely, down to the undersurface of the kneecap. If this happens, the exposed kneecap's bony surface can grind painfully against other knee bones. Also, bits of cartilage can float inside the joint, further irritating the cells that line the joint. In response, these cells produce fluid inside the joint (called a joint effusion).

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What is the process known as where rock breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces?


What cell breaks down nucleus in the mitosis?

There is not a particular "cell" that breaks down the nucleus during the cell process of mitosis. However, the nucleus does begin to break down in the phase known as prophase/prometaphase.

What would happen if your ball joint breaks?

The ball joint holds the spindle on most assemblies and if it breaks then there will be a loss of control. Most go bad and you can feel the play from up to down on the wheel. But extreme circumstances would be it separating and that is never a good thing. Replace as necessary.

what structural joint changes are in older people?

Osteoarthritis (also know as "wear-and-tear Arthritis")- Normal joint use prompts the release of metalloproteinase enzymes that break down articular cartilage. In healthy individuals, this cartilage is eventually replaced. In people with OA, more cartilage is destroyed than replaced. OA may reflect the cumulative effects of years of compression and abrasion at joint surfaces, causing excessive amounts of metalloproteinase enzyme release, which results in softened, roughened, pitted, and eroded articular cartilages.

The mechanical and chemical processes that break down rock are together known as?

all the mechanical and chemical that breaks down rock

Who invented arthroscopic surgery?

Arthritis happens when there is a slow wear and tear of the cartilage surrounding the joints. Cartilage is that portion of the joint which allows it to move freely. Now when this breaks down the bones tends to rub together and this creates a severe pain as well as inflammation of the joints. Such joint inflammations are referred to as arthritis.Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a camera to look within a joint, rather than opening it completely. Dr Anil Raheja is a best Arthroscopic/Arthritis specialist in Delhi, India with highly experienced surgeons providing rheumatoid arthritis treatment at affordable cost

All the mechanical and chemical processes that break down rock are together known as?

all the mechanical and chemical that breaks down rock

Growing cartilage in my knees with vitamins?

Yes, glucosamine and chondroiton are the two supplements you need and used in combination will grow cartilage and repair the same. The knee, unlike most other joints can stretch and squatting for long periods will stretch the joint adding up to three inches in height. Sometimes known as Giraffe knee caps principle this method is used by Sumo wrestlers and American pro footballers to enhance their height. Not a good idea if you are into most other sports as enlarged kneecaps cut down on the flexibility of the knee joint.