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By mendelian genetics and Mendels law of segregation

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Q: When two traits are on different chromosomes how are they inherited?
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Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry genes for the same traits in the same places but specify different versions of the same traits are called?

Homologous Chromosomes.

How many genes determine an inherited trait?

Hello there! Traits controlled by two or more genes are for example skin color and height.

What Two different traits on different chromosomes have no influence on each other's inheritance?

Law of independent assortment

What two kinds of traits did gregor mendel discover?

Inherited traits.

How did gregor mendel contribute to understanding of inherited traits?

Gregor Mendel took two different colored pea plants: one had traits for white plants and the other had traits for a red plant. When Mendel cross bred the two plants, a plant with traits for a pink plant grew. This is how Mendel contributed to the understanding of inherited traits.

Word describing the two chromosomes in a pair that have genes that code for the same traits?

Two chromosomes in a pair that have genes that code for the same traits are called homologous chromosomes. These chromosomes are in the same locations or loci.

How is trait related to chromosomes and meiosis?

Traits are another name for genes. These are located on various areas of chromosomes. During meiosis, the chromosomes which are duplicated, are formed into gametes (ova or sperm). Those two combine into a new individual with entirely different mixture of traits.

How do traits get inherited?

Through genetics, you have two alleles(different versions for a gene) for each gene, one from each parent

Genes for two different traits that are located next to each other on the same chromosome would most likely be?

Genes for two different traits that are located next to each other on the same chromosome would most likely be inherited together.

What are two traits that are inherited in only one cat?

6 toe

How did Gregor Mendel contribute to your understanding of inheritance?

Gregor Mendel took two different colored pea plants: one had traits for white plants and the other had traits for a red plant. When Mendel cross bred the two plants, a plant with traits for a pink plant grew. This is how Mendel contributed to the understanding of inherited traits.

Traits are determined by pairs of genes called?

The two chromosomes (two "X" shapes) that are in a pair are generally called "homologous chromosomes". A pair of "chromatids" make up the two arms of a single chromosome.